
Seckin Ozdemir

Name: Seckin Ozdemir
Birthdate: August 25, 1981
Birthplace: Istanbul, Turkey
Height: 181 cm
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Education: Kocaeli University Economics (Kocaeli Universitesi Iktisat Bolumu); Mujdat Gezen Art Center (Mujdat Gezen Sanat Merkezi)
Talent Agency: Rezzan Cankir Cast Agency
Biography: Seckin Ozdemir was born as the fourth child of his family. His father is from Sinop and his mother is a Greece Turk. He has 2 elder sisters and 1 elder brother. Seckin Ozdemir started his career as a DJ. While he was going to university, he made a radio program at Red FM which is a local radio channel in Kocaeli. Seckin Ozdemir also did an interactive radio show at Istanbul My Radio for 5 months in 2004. In 2004, he was transferred to Number 1 and started to do a television program. After taking acting lessons at Mujdat Gezen Art Center, he took part in various tv commercials like gnctrkcll, Akbank, Ulker, Binboa Vodka, and Coca-Cola. Seckin Ozdemir became popular with his role in popular Turkish drama Magnificent Century (Muhtesem Yuzyil). And he became the lead character at the first time with his role in Turkish drama The Girl With a Red Scarf (Alyazmalim).

Seckin Ozdemir Tv Series / Movies
2008 – Wild Rose (Yaban Gulu) (as Burak)
2011 – (as Leo)
2011 – The Girl With Red Scarf (Al Yazmalim) (as Ilyas Avci)
2013 – (as Korkut Ali)
2014 – Sinner (Gunahkar) (as Ali Yusuf)
2015 – Bitter Love (Aci Ask) (as Bulut)
2015 – 2016 (as Pamir Marden)
2015 – Racon (as Adnan)
2017 – (as Baris)
2017 – One Breath is Enough (Bir Nefes Yeter) (as Yaman) (Movie)
2018 – Bucur (Movie)
2018 – Can Kiriklari (as Aslan)
2018 – Dangerous Wife (Tehlikeli Karim) (as Alper)


Seckin Ozdemir Gallery

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  1. I have just finished watching ” A Love Story” I liked it very much. I wish they did not have Kourkut Ali to die. It is so sad…
    Both main characters are very good actors. The girl is beautiful with her green eyes and the boy is handsome and charming. It is impossible not to love them. Chemistry is there. Good luck to both actors!

  2. Love everything you have done that I have found, except you keep dying. I don’t speak or read Turkish but I am learning.Eyes and body language say more than words.You just get better with each project you work on.When it seems the world has forgotten you just remember there’s someone out there you’ve never met that’s thinking about you. Laugh and the world laughs with you ,cry and you cry alone.

  3. your the best and handsome actor i,ve seen in turkish dramas keep it that way we love you am from Ethiopia

  4. I enjoyed watching Turkey serials…unfortunately it has gone off air…miss Zindagi…Seckin is very handsome…God Bless you always

  5. You are not Korkut Ali but Lovely Ali. Expecting more reality in near future. You & Celan a good pair. All the best wishes. Lastly I am from Indiaaaaaaa

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