Original Title: Emanet
English Title: Legacy
Also Known As:
Genre: Drama, Romance
Episodes: 206+
Broadcast Network: Kanal 7
Broadcast Period: 7 September 2020 –
Production Company: Karamel Yapim
Director: Ayhan Ozen, Serkan Mut
Screen Writer: Basak Yazi Odasi
Filming Locations: Istanbul, Turkey
Seher (Sila Turkoglu) is a young and beautiful girl who lives together with her father. Her sister Kevser (Meltem Kilic) is not allowed to visit her parent after she got married to the heir of Kirimli family. Her father cuts all ties with Kevser after then and cannot forgive her.
Seher longs for her sister too much but cannot persuade her father to make peace. She does not see her sister and does not know anything about her new life.
The life of Seher turns upside down when her sister passes away due to an accident. Just before she dies, Kevser says that “I entrust my son Yusuf to you. Don’t leave my son to those people in the Kirimli house.”
After her sister passes away, Seher gets devastated. Her nephew Yusuf is a 5 years old boy who becomes all alone after his parents pass away.
Now, Seher has a mission of protecting her nephew. She is determined to do whatever her sister has requested. Thus, she wants to be the custodian of her nephew.
Seher goes to Kirimli house and meets her nephew Yusuf. She wants to live together with her father and her nephew all together. However, this is not so easy.
Yaman Kirimli (Halil Ibrahim Ceyhan) is a young and strong businessman who does not trust women. He is Yusuf’s uncle. After his brother passes away, Yaman considers himself as a custodian of Yusuf.
Yaman is known for his harsh rules and mercilessness. He is determined not to leave his nephew. When he learns that Seher has taken away Yusuf, he gets so angry. He immediately finds their address and takes his nephew back.
On the one side, there is Seher who is Yusuf’s aunt. On the other side, there is Yaman who is Yusuf’s uncle. Both claims to be the custodian of this little child.
Seher takes her courage from her innocence and patience. She starts to fight against strong, powerful and cold-hearted Yaman Kirimli.
Little Yusuf finds himself in the middle of this fight. He becomes devasted upon learning that his mother has passed away just like his father. He lives in Kirimli house together with his uncle Yaman. His other uncle Ziya (Tolga Pancaroglu) and his wife Ikbal (Gulay Ozdem) also live in that house.
Kirimli house is full of vicious people. Even though there many people in the house, Yusuf lacks affection and love. Even though he is well protected in his uncle Yaman’s care, he needs sympathy and tenderness.
Seher wants to open a custody file in order to live together with her nephew. However, she soon realizes that she cannot win any case against Kirimli family.
Seher has nothing to do but to live in Kirimli house in order to protect her sister’s legacy. She moves into Kirimli house in order not to leave her nephew alone. By this way, she could take care of her nephew closely.
Legacy (Emanet) tv series story is about a young girl Seher and a powerful man Yaman who come across each other while taking care of their 5-year old nephew. Will Seher start to take care of her 5-year old nephew after her sister passes away? Will Yaman manage to trust Seher? Will Yaman and Seher give up fighting and start to collaborate while raising little Yusuf? Will Seher manage to protect her sister’s legacy? Will Yaman manage to protect his brother’s legacy? Why Seher’s father does not approve Kirimli family?
- Seher (Sila Turkoglu): She is a young and beautiful girl who takes her courage from her innocence and patience. After her sister passes away, she wants to protect her sister’s legacy. She tries to do her best to take care of her 5-year old nephew.
- Yaman (Halil Ibrahim Ceyhan): He is a young and strong businessman who does not trust women. He is strong, powerful and cold-hearted. He is known for his harsh rules and mercilessness. After his brother passes away, Yaman considers himself as a custodian of his 5-year old nephew. He does his best to give a decent life for his nephew.
- Ikbal (Gulay Ozdem): She is Ziya’s wife and Yaman’s sister-in-law. She does not have a child for this reason, she cannot have power to control Kirimli family. Ikbal wants her sister to get married to Yaman.
- Ziya (Tolga Pancaroglu): He is Yaman’s brother.
- Zuhal (Hilal Yildiz): She is Ikbal’s sister. She studied in London with the help of her sister. She has some feelings towards Yaman.
Legacy (Emanet) Tv Series Cast
- Halil Ibrahim Ceyhan as Yaman
- Sila Turkoglu as Seher
- Berat Ruzgar Ozkan as Yusuf
- Gulderen Guler as Kiraz
- Melih Ozkaya as Ali
- Tolga Pancaroglu as Ziya
- Gulay Ozdem as Ikbal
- Osman Aydin as Selim
- Hilal Yildiz as Zuhal
- Gozde Gurkan as Begum
- Omer Gecu as Cenger
- Ali Cakalgoz as Arif Baba
- Binnaz Ekren as Adalet
- Hayat Olcay as Nadire
- Oguz Yagci as Nedim
- Adnan Mehmet Ali Aslan as Ibrahim
- Derya Oguz Ertun as Firat
- Zeynep Naz Eyuboglu as Neslihan
- Ozge Agyar as Karanfil
- Volkan Yildirim as Ziya
- Atilla Pakdemir as Osman
- Meltem Kilic as Kevser
- Ferda Isil as Sultan
- Ilker Yavuz as Melih
- Goksel Kayahan as Bora
- Mehmet Basturk as Ozan
External Links
Official Site: https://www.kanal7.com/dizi/yeni-dizi-emanet
English Wikipedia:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emanetkanal7/
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuUkNVVb-RsLBeW05v3J21Q
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Hi guys
Great comments left after reading each others. The writers if Emanet need to bring back sehr and yaman somehow, ending with them having a family of there own. Writers, you will not regret it, the viewers loved Emanet 1 and 2, not 3 , the ratings will be fantastic. We are waiting in anticipation and coukd you please gave it on Netflix or Amazan Prime with english subtitles. Halil and Sila work great together ❤️ I hope they agree and treat all actors and actresses the same, as this was why Sila left.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE bring back Legacy. It was the best love story ever. Halil was fabulous. I loved Seher. Whey did you kill Yaman off? I am heartbroken. I know after Sila left it was not the same. I couldn’t even watch the new girl. Your writing was sooo good creating their love it just wasn’t the same and it didn’t transfer to Yaman falling for someone else. She was not related to Yusuf. LEGACY was not there. How could you think this would work? Season 3 was a complete contradictory to what you wrote for1 and 2. There was no magic, no chemistry. That new girl just couldn’t overcome the great love story you wrote for Yaman and Seher. This is why you hemorrhaged viewers.
So after they complete their current contracts why can’t you bring them back? Easy to do/write. Here in the US it is done a lot. You just open at Seher being shot and the beginning of 3 and in a coma. In her coma season 3 she had a dream/nightmare of what took place in 3. And all goes back to their love as Yaman waited for her to come out of her coma and come back to him. Remember? He could live without her. He could not breathe without her? So he sat at her bed daily. And yusuf. NO WAY would this woman be able to take Auntie’s place. Come on, did you forget what you wrote for season 1 and 2.Lemon cookies? The clips I saw it even looked like Halil’s / Yaman’s heart was not into acting in 3. It was a mess. I couldn’t watch it.
We are just heart broken that there was only 2 great seasons of this love story..Halil did a fabulous job creating Yaman. PLEASE bring them back. We are all devastated that he is gone. Please…. Fredra Kodama
I’m from USA and have watched Emanet for quite awhile with computer auto generated translated subtitles in English. As of Episodes 569, 570, 571, and 572 we have not gotten the translations, however, the English subtitles have shown up on the commercials!! PLEASE see it this problem can be corrected.
It’s humble request please upload english subtitles of Emanet season 3..please
Hi all
I watched Emanet up until seher is killed off, why god knows. She and yaman should have had a happy ending with children and it should have finished on season 1 and or two there abouts. The chemistry between both seher and halil was fantastic and intreasting to watch. I missed season if emanet with the new lead nana. No charisma, no chemistry just rubbish viewing with yaman. Yaman also looked as if he had lost himself without seher in it. Yaman lost the tough guy character look he looked old and warn out, could have been his hair and beard coloured black . He himself is gorgeous handsome, but sadly it was a train crash of that season. Shame on the writers, this could have even been better. I hope halil leaves emanet, and if magically sila does return and didn’t die, she left and had there child, and nadeem lied to yaman that she died. I hope emanet one mire season does bring back the two leads sila and halil. No no nana, she is dreadful, not a patch on seher . Viewings have plumented since nana arrived. Yamams character is boring, he is weak in emanet since seher left. I have seen clips, totally rubbish. Yaman should not have married nana I hope no baby is due either. Its a total mess. Always seher and yaman xxx love you guys.
I agree 100%. I am heartbroken the way the writers handled this.
Legacy name doesn’t suite because Kiraz is legacy for Ali but kiraz was dead Ali was unable to protect her. Yusuf is legacy to seher from her sister and seher dead. 415 episodes shows deep love of Yaman and seher. Yaman many times said to seher that how much he loves to seher and his heart,s door is not opened for any one yusuf said his aunt smell like lemon cookies and suddenly one new character who has not a single relation to any of Yaman or yusuf comes in their lives and both yaman and yusuf forgot seher and loves her. I wish this shows ends with Yaman Seher and Yusuf’s happilly lives with each other. Yaman Karmli forgot seher and fall in love with Nana my foot Total rubbish Drama
Please do not watch this series
Kindly add more episodes with proper English subtitles…..we need this
Legagy emanet Hindi dubbed
Emanet is a series that made history in Turkish drama . It’s a series of values, that showed how much a family means to the life of human beings. This was so beautifully presented by the love of Yaman , the hard faced person but kind hearted towards his mental,y I’ll brother Zia.It showed the value of love in healing deep rooted wounds of childhood emotional abuse and neglect which Yaman Kirimli suffered from , and the magical effect of Seher’s love of him in breaking the hard shell around his beautiful heart. Emanet demonstrated the great effect of love on the life of a vulnerable little orphan , Yusuf and how all the ups and downs affected his behaviour , brilliantly performed by the wonderful budding superstar Berat Ruzgar. Yes there was evil and miseries , sometimes a bit too much, but in all fairness , and from a specialist in Safeguarding of children, Emanet stands out as one of the best Turkish series, and Halil Ibrahim Ceyhan’s performance is beyond excellent, I cried watching some of his reactions, I saw parents I have dealt with in my working life watching some of Halil`s reactions , so was Sila Turkoghlu as Seher . It’s a series I have watched with great interest and admiration to all in it . I am already watching some of its episodes again and that magical wedding song and dance I save d and watch when I am feeling down. Bravo Halil, bravo Sila bravo Ayhan and bravo Berat .
Emanet has wonderful actors and initially a good plot… but I found it went astray with too many back to back miseries that just seemed for prolonging the series, it became long, boring and depressing… I finished season 2 but I dont think I will watch season 3 especially after seeing how it ended. The writer didn’t know how to keep it interesting unfortunately.
I love EMANET , it is a wonderful series for open minded people interested in understanding different cultures and traditions.
The negative comments might come from people who only want to watch movies in… English and without consideration towards others.
EMANET definitely opens a door for people who have interest in learning new things and in discovering the symbolistic of the characters beyond talking, just through gestures, eyes and acting.
And even more, we can discover the taste for cooking , serving the meals, or a coffee in an elegant way,
rituals of respect for the elderly and graves and much more.
Emanet is a great drama but some episodes were not realistic because they didn’t suite in today life . Look you cannot face problems continuously without noticing a pushing agent or even not knowing what the people you are leaving with are up to.
I have watched emanet with english subs till episode 230. I cannot find more episodes, 231 and up, with english subs anywhere. On you tube there are no English subs!!
Where can I find more emanet episodes with english subtitles?????????
Hi. Check out this site, Yoturkish, is there but I didn’t look at it.
Agree with you. They are disgusting. What kind of life ate they creating for Yusuf. He would have been better off in state custody
So sad they destroyed this beautiful concept
I do not get you people from the very..very .. good show – the best to go to be the worst. You don’t care or what ? You did the same with Yemen Promise now lake is not important you are doing to Emanet and ruin the life of to beautiful people Sila and Halil who make you good name on the beginning. It is your lost not there – Sila and Halil. Every body know them now and they can have popularity with other production houses but you are loosing your credibility. I live in USA for 45 years I never see or hear samting lake this . Actress they can take legal action tours you . good lake .
I agree with Francine….in the beginning I was hesitant to started because it has so many episodes. I was so excited when I saw the story unfold and when that they got married…..but then the stupidity started flowing…..with all the drama and negativity. This director and writer are mentally sick. Thank God for the fast forward button. This series could have been one of the best in turkish industry since they are all the same. But noooo they had to ruin this one as well with 200 episodes of nothing and so many important details are missing that I stopped watching it. Yaman and Yusuf both had such a troubled childhood that they really deserve to be happy and live a great life especially Yusuf being so young…..like I said for me this series is a disaster and I can definitely say that the director and production company need professional help. Mental help. One ⭐ and this one is for the actors not the series itself
English subtitles please
No new episodes with english subs!!!
I’ve watched till episode 230 with english subs and I can’t find more episodes anywhere!!!
I need engish subtitles for season2 please please please
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Where can I watch episodes 221 to 300+ that have English subtitles? Desperate. PLEASE
I love the story so much
I respect you’re loving it, but I don’t understand how can you? Please explain it
Does anybody know where is the place Yaman and Seher went a few times that has an amazing view of the city? Going to Istambul soon and would love to visit!
We are still on the limbo. Why the producers allow this horror to continue. Are they enjoy the negative attention?
I believe they are all experiencing mental health problems. There is no explanation to this psychotic storyline. It is no reason for such psychological abuse in cinematography especially during these Covit times when people need an outlet to feel some goodness around.
Agree with you. They are disgusting. What kind of life ate they creating for Yusuf. He would have been better off in state custody
So sad they destroyed this beautiful concept
It will end soon as people stop seeing it because of the frustration they are experiencing . It could have been a better show by showing a little of respect for viewers, less greed and some coming sense.
This hope lasted 200 episodes. A sick mind will be a sick mind unless is receiving treatment. The writers are in need of immediate treatment
💯💯 What started as a beautiful story turned into a nightmare…..can someone get professional help for the ✍ and the producers. We will appreciate it. Plus this was a little bit of a different story from the original turkish movies and somehow it turned into the same story. You watch one turkish series you watch all of them 🤦♀️🤦♀️😡
Season 2 with English subtitle ? Where
Gostaria de saber se alguém saber aonde encontro os arquivos srt para legendagem da série?
Go to destitution on Facebook
Will there be a Season 3 of Emanet? Season 1 had 205 episodes and Season 2 has aired over 83 episodes so far. With this TV Series being a daily show, when will it finally end? Season 3? Yes or No?
It will end soon as people stop seeing it because of the frustration they are experiencing it. Could have been a better show with a little of respect and coming sense.
Why are there no English subtitles on a smart TV for legacy . There were subtitles in the first few but none after . What is going it’s a great show but am very frustrated
Help please
hi, where did you watch the episodes with the English sub? I can’t find any website
Turkishserie 123
Kayfi family tv
They stopped the subtitles on episode 298.:Ask for help on their facebook.
Actually I found subtitles till episode 230 only!!!
I’m looking for more episodes with subs and I can’t find them anywhere?
When will the various sites have more episodes so we can watch????
If you find, plesae let me know too
The script writers should be sacked for writing such poor, abusive and cruel plots. The bad far outweighs the good and makes a mockery of the Intelligence of its audience. What could have been an exceptional series has been turned into poor, slow and monotonous storyline. I feel for the actors
Agree, it is always tense to see, evil is always winning. No matter in the main story or in side stories.
Excessive abuse and violence especially against woman in this series is disgusting and abnormal
It totally spoiled the series.
Storyline not to bad, acting average, too much crying every five minutes the leading actress is crying. 😵😵😵
The slapping in the face in Turkish movies and series is mostly spoiling the good parts.
Storyline is sometimes confusing maybe due to different scriptwriters, the one does not know what the other one has written.
This is contrary to Islamic values, why it’s airing still?
I have binge watched for 10 days. I got through episode 184 w/English subtitles just fine. Now….from 185 on, no English subtitles. It looks to me episode 185 is exactly what I’ve been waiting for but I can’t understand any of it! HELP! I’m obsessed w/this series. We true fans need you to fix this ASAP.
hi, where did you watch this drama with the English sub? I can’t find any and I have looked everywhere
I’ve managed to watch the entire season 1 up to episode 205, but now I’m struggling to find a website where I can stream season 2 with English subtitles. Could somebody please help me?
Try youtube
Youtube does not have English subs!!!
Honestly don’t even try finding it. It’s a waste of time.
Who did the sound track? Excellent music.
No new episodes with english subs!!!
I’ve watched till episode 230 with english subs and I can’t find more episodes anywhere!!!
I agree with the 1st Comment. It’s getting better after after season 33 or 4 I am sure you guys change writers is angel riders and also directors rectors cannot just focus focus on the eyes There should be some touching and kissing involved involved you are not Islamic Republic of Iran that stops kissing
Who is the writer?. The ratings will decline if they continue to show the same thing over and over. The audience is not happy at all. I feel bad for Sila & Halil. Great actors, unfortunately not supported but the writer.
Totally agree
OMG I agree with you 100%. The writer is a sick person
I was drifted away how the combination with Yaman and Seher… they definitely went though a lot of battles.. I love Seher how she turned Yaman Darkness World open to the Sun… its a Beautiful story… Yaman’s had so many hidden feelings but didn’t understand.. Yusuf.. our Hero cupid trusted only his Teyza and Amca.. Yes definitely a Love story.. Yaman loves his family… Over time he changes it was actually Beautiful to see him smile… a real smile..with love shinning.. Seher is shy.. Slowly Yaman is showing her a different world.. Sadly there were times a Mother’s love and attention was needed … To watch this series it has brought me.. feelings love and sadness . I ❤ the story … Patience is time… I described there Love . Like the Butterfly Cycle….. During there summer break..I rewatched Emanet .. I missed having the Goosebumps 😄🤣 10/10 I rate the series
Here’s what I do…
1. YouTube.com
2. Type in Emanet (series #) full episode
3. Click CC Closed Caption
4. Then click the small gear icon next to it. A new box will appear.
5. Click Turkish(auto-generate) >
(new pop up window appears)
6. Click Auto-Translate
(new pop up window appears)
7. Select English.
***This will only play some of the translation for the show. Some of the main dialogue you may have to watch Mix- Legacy. Usually in the list of other YouTube short films aka teasers. They will have great English subtitles, and there may be 1-5 of them for each episode. Just takes some digging.
Here’s my request…Does anyone know how to get the address of the filming location of Emanet?