Name: Gulcan Arslan
Birthdate: May 1, 1986
Birthplace: Sakarya, Turkey
Height: 1,72 m
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Education: Sadri Alisik Culture Center Theatre (Sadri Alisik Kultur Merkezi Tiyatro Bolumu)
Talent Agency: Rezzan Cankir Management
Biography: Gulcan Arslan was born on May 1, 1986 in Sakarya. She studied theatre at Sadri Alisik Cultural Center and appeared in many series and commercials. She made her debut in Turkish series “Sardunya Street”, which aired on TRT1. In 2008, she played in the tv series “Class” and “One For All”.
Gulcan Arslan Tv Series / Movies
- 2007 – Sardunya Street (Sardunya Sokak) (as Canan)
- 2008 – One for All (Hepimiz Birimiz Icin) (as Mine Pekmezci)
- 2008 – Class (Sinif) (as Zehra)
- 2008 – Birds of Exile (Gurbet Kuslari)
- 2009 – Kafkas
- 2009 – Heroes (Kahramanlar) (as Figen)
- 2011 – Entelkoy as Opposed to Efekoy (Entelkoy Efekoy’e Karsi) (Movie)
- 2011 – Despite Everything (Herseye Ragmen) (as Leyla Acikalin)
- 2011 – 2012 The Girl I Loved (Bir Cocuk Sevdim) (as Mine)
- 2013 – 2014 Back Streets (Arka Sokaklar) (as Leyla Candas)
- 2014 – Gunahkar (as Saliha Tezhanli)
- 2015 – 2016 Magnificent Century: Kosem (Muhtesem Yuzyil: Kosem) (as Fahriye Sultan)
- 2017 – Until Death (Olene Kadar) (as Beril Karali)
- 2019 – Rich and Poor (Zengin ve Yoksul) (as Nihal Tastan)
- 2021 – My Home My Destiny (Dogdugun Ev Kaderindir) (as Nesrin / Gulbin Goksu)
- 2021 – Barbarossa: Sword of the Mediterranean (Barbaroslar: Akdeniz’in Kilici) (as Despina)
- 2024 – I am Mother (Sandik Kokusu)
- 2024 – Thank You, Next (Kimler Geldi Kimler Gecti) (as Defne)
Instagram: Instagram – gulcanarslann
Body Type:
Star Sign: Taurus
Blood Type:
Weight: 57 kg
very disappointed! Please find Episode 2 somehow – we need an ending!
I have never enjoyed any series like The Girl I Love and Syeti and Sura. I am disappointed in Netflix for offering a show that leaves you with no ending on any fronts. I do not now want to watch any of the Netflix
series because of the way The Girl I Love just ended with no END to anything.
My husband and I are seriously considering cancelling our Netflix due to this. Even he was sucked into the
drama and watched all the episodes with me.
Can the powers that be at Netflix not contact the director of the show to see if an episode was produced that
at least gave the series an ending.
Please contact me.
Hi, will there be a second series of The girl I loved or Lovebird. Loved both and would love to see end.
Thank you
Linda M
This can’t be the end! I haven’t slept properly for weeks watching this drama and feel very frustrated there is no proper conclusion
please say that season 2 0f bir cocuk seveim will be aired on netlex.
Wait a minute! I suffered through all these episodes, having sleepless nights only for it to end like this. I hope there’s a second season cause this sucks. Now I don’t know what to think as there’s too many unfinished pieces. We are left wondering what happened. Where did Timur go last minute that was so important? Did Timur say yes? I thought his wife was dead. Who shot Sinan? Derin, Memo or the little girl’s uncle? Did he die? Uhhhhh! This is killing me! 😵😳
I remembered throughout watching ALL 79! episodes (with no resolution!) that in an early episode Timur refers to having been betrayed. He doesn’t say by his wife but it’s implied. Then later he or Merve say something like when she (her mom) left. It was only in a much later episode that she’s named and it’s said she died. In hindsight, I think that was a euphemism.
I really like this drama. When would the second season be on Netflix??
I loved this drama, will there be a second season?
I loved this drama!! But please!! Dont leave us up in the air with no 2nd season..i suffered through 79 episodes!! So dont leave me hanging, iam American and love foreign films..please respond.
I am binging on this as well as the other Turkish dramas. I love them. Some of the best acting in all of them…
hi mine and all the team of drama I like love the drama story everything cast, clothes, location were fabulous but I didn’t like the end I mean it was so confusing is drama team is coming with part 2 of drama or what please reply because I didn’t understand the end..,,,,
Agree. After allllll of tbose episodes I had to tell myself Senan would be ok however unlikely 😢. Kinda ruined it for me
helo gulcan i luv u alot i m grtst fan of u i luv ur drama meenay mera pyar amazing but the ending was rly stnge but i love u alot and i also love sinan alot u both me zeenat frm pakistan
Meenay, Taimur, and Senon is also best… me and my family like this drama and we are regularly see this drama at starting days….. but last time mean ending point iz very bad and strange because without result director end the drama.
hello gulcan u r fabulous awusome
love u alote i m frm pakistan ur drama mine mara pyare all my family, friends watch and its really awusome
love u meeny (Gulcan)