Name: Cagatay Ulusoy
Birthdate: September 23, 1990
Birthplace: Istanbul, Turkey
Height: 1,88 m
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Education: Istanbul University Faculty of Forestry – Irrigation Systems (Istanbul Universitesi Orman Fakultesi Sulama Sistemleri Bolumu)
Talent Agency: Engin Aykanat Management
Biography: Cagatay Ulusoy became the Best Model of Turkey in 2010. At the same night of Best Model of Turkey competition, he accepted the job offer by the producer of Turkish tv series I Named Her Feriha (Adini Feriha Koydum). If he did not get this job offer, he would go to France and worked as model instead of starting his acting career. In 2010, Cagatay Ulusoy started to study at Istanbul University but he had to freeze his registration due to changes in modeling and acting career. Cagatay Ulusoy took acting lessons at Academia 35 Bucuk in 2010. He made his debut with his role as Emir in popular Turkish drama I Named Her Feriha (Adini Feriha Koydum). Cagatay Ulusoy became well-known with his role as Emir Sarrafoglu and started to take part in various successful tv projects after then. Between 2013 and 2015, Cagatay Ulusoy took part in another popular Turkish Drama Tide (Medcezir) together with Serenay Sarikaya. He became the lead character Yaman. After then, he took part in another successful Turkish drama Insider (Icerde) and became the lead character Sarp. In order to become successful in this role, he took martial arts and weapon training in the U.S. Cagatay Ulusoy also took part in various TV commercials. He became the face of Colin’s in 2016.
Cagatay Ulusoy Tv Series / Movies
- 2010 – Recep Ivedik 3 (Movie)
- 2011 – 2012 Adini Feriha Koydum (I named Her Feriha) (as Emir Sarrafoglu)
- 2011 – Anatolian eagles (Anadolu Kartallari) (as Ahmet Onur) (Movie)
- 2012 – Paranoia (as Cagatay Ulusoy) (Short Movie)
- 2012 – Lightning Within The House (Eve Dusen Yildirim) (as Demir)
- 2012 – Emir’in Yolu (as Emir Sarrafoglu)
- 2013 – 2015 Tide (Medcezir) (as Yaman Koper)
- 2015 – Delibal (as Baris Ayaz) (Movie)
- 2016 – 2017 Insider (Icerde) (as Sarp Yilmaz)
- 2018 – 2020 The Protector (Hakan: Muhafiz) (as Hakan Demir / Muhafiz)
- 2020 – The Agency (Menajerimi Ara) (as Cagatay)
- 2021 – Birdie (Short Movie)
- 2021 – Kagittan Hayatlar (as Mehmet) (Movie)
- 2021 – Yesilcam (as Semih Ates)
- 2023 – The Tailor (Terzi) (as Peyami Dokumaci)
- 2024 – Kubra (as Gokhan Sahinoglu)
- 2024 – Gaddar (as Daghan)
- 2010 – Best Model of Turkey (1st ranking)
- 2011 – ATV Prestij Awards – En Iyi Cikis Yapan Oyuncu
- 2011 – Magazinci.com Yilin En Iyileri Awards – Best Actor
- 2013 – Oyuncular Sitesi – Best Actor
- 2013 – 19. Siyaset Dergisi Awards – Best Tv Actor
- 2014 – Elle Style Awards – Most Stylish Actor of the Year in Supporting Role (Tide)
- 2014 – 5. Quality of Magazine Dergisi Awards – Best Quality Actor in Supporting Role (Tide)
- 2014 – Seul International Drama Awards – Best Actor in Supporting Role (Tide)
- 2014 – Ayakli Gazete Tv Yildizlari Awards – Best Drama Actor in Supporting Role (Tide)
- 2014 – Karadeniz Teknik Universitesi Awards – Best Actor in Supporting Role (Tide)
- 2014 – Canakkale 18 Mart Universitesi Awards – Best Actor in Supporting Role (Tide)
- 2014 – Schwarzkopf Professional Awards – Phenomenon of the Year in Supporting Role (Tide)
- 2015 – Turkiye Genclik Awards – Best Actor in Supporting Role (Tide)
- 2015 – Arel Universitesi 4. Medya Awards – Best Actor in Supporting Role (Tide)
- 2015 – MGD 21. Altin Objektif Awards – Best Drama Actor in Supporting Role (Tide)
- 2015 – Ege Universitesi 4. Medya Awards – Best Actor in Supporting Role (Tide)
- 2015 – 42. Golden Butterfly Tv Stars Awards – Best Actor in Supporting Role (Tide)
- 2017 – 15. YTU Yilin Yildizlari Awards – Best Movie Actor in Supporting Role (Delibal)
- 2017 – 12. ITU Makinistanbul Medya, Sanat ve Spor Award – Best Actor in Supporting Role (Insider)
- 2018 – GQ Moty by Clear 2018 Awards – Best Actor in Supporting Role The Protector (Hakan: Muhafiz)
Instagram: Instagram – cagatayulusoy
Twitter: X – @cagatayulusoyy
Facebook: Facebook – cagatayulusoyofficial
Youtube: Youtube – @cgtyulusoyofficial
Body Type:
Star Sign: Libra
Blood Type:
I want to say thanks for your great performance. Icerde has been broadcasted in Chile with great success.
I also want to congratulate you for this awesome story, which is my mom’s favorite tv show. She’s 85 years old and we usually comment on the what is happening in the story, she has been ill for a time and I really appreciate she could find a moment to relax and have fun by watching Icerde.
Good luck!!
Cagatay,is really good in icerde too,excellent work.Hi is really a very good actor.Thank you for your talent.
Good news for Cagatay Ulusoy fans:
Cagatay Ulusoy will be in Netflix with a very different and very beautiful project in 2018. He will be a hero with super powers and try to protect Istanbul. Can’t wait to watch it!
Cagatay is an excellent and handsome actor,for me, one of the best,but his acting as Emir in Feriha is my favorite.He and Hazal are so wonderful together,and their love and feelings look so so real,that make this simple tv serie in a classic.
I especially like Cagatay’s acting in Turkish tv series Inside (Icerde). He did really good job in that drama!
I have to say that Çağatay is the best actor in the world and he is very handsome man
Hi,Cagatay..just wanted to say that u are a great actor and i really get into ur movies,cause they are so emotional,U are kind of handsome too.Well u probably know that…Good luck!
Hazal je velmi dobrá herečka a kdo hraje vedle ní, tak také podá dobrý výkon, ale bez Hazal jsou všichni slabí. To se prokázalo právě v seriálu Feriha nebo Zakázaná láska, v obou seiálech excelovala Hazal Kaya. Jejímu výkonu se nevyrovnal žádný herec či herečka.
Škoda, že seriál Feriha takto blbě končil, ale je tu hodně možnosti, jak by mohl pokračovat.
Currently Turkish Drama Adini Feriha Koydum is running in India.I try not to miss a single episode.An epic drama(i have never, watched and enjoyed such a nice serial in my whole lifetime).
I think the most goodlooking people are born in Turkey.Hazal and Cagatay u both look very nice together.great on screen chemistry.Wish you both great success.
I like you cagatay…i have only one request in my life that i wanna see you once in my life.i like very much…i dnt no why i got attracted on you….plz reponse me if possible…
Well Emir(Ćàgtàŷ) is so cute…
Can’t miss your program on tv…?
Hi caagatay ulusoy u looked fabulous in serial feriha. I m huge fan of urs.. I liked u so much u hve a karazmatic personality.I am completely addicted to ur serial feriha infact i onlY watch ur serial which are on air on zindzgi channel.U nd hazel kaya look awesm together.I really want to meet u on ce in my life plz visit india once…….peoples of India loves u nd ur serial so much….. may allah bring all the happiness nd suceess in ur lyf. Always follow the right path
Hi Cagatay,
I jut simply love you and Hazal. You both are awesome. I am a big fan of both of you. I started watching your serial Feriha and I fell in love with Istanbul and now its my dream to visit Istanbul and meet you and Hazal. Whenever I got the chance I would be honoured to meet both of you. People love you in India.
Hi Cagatay,
U r very handsome. U act so well in Feriha. V love ur acting.
V all love watching ur show. I m a big fan of urs. Whenever
I got the chance , I wud love to meet u. I & my family & our
all friends love u . The show is still going on in India.?
*****spoiler alert*****
Hi cagtay.you are best in feriha.I liked your style.your expressions through your eyes are the best.
I do not know you read this msgs or not but what we feel we should express.and as you are acor it will boostup your act.all the actors/actress es specially hazal
hande and vahida are the best.
End is not proper.it should be in Forest house.and surprise should be the twin child.The immortal love should always win not wars.
The best role is of your but the character of Levent is also powerful.I liked that actor also
His acting is the best.
My best wishes with u.and you have many mores to come.hope u will read.
I loved the drama feriha the everyone is so good and cagatay and hazal is so romantic.I love this drama very much ,. Please do make more drama like this . ???
I loved the drama feriha the everyone is so good and cagatay and hazalet is so romantic.I love this drama very much ,. Please do make more dramas like this where there is actor such as these two . ??????????
Hey i watch the series feriha nd i am addicted to it…i loved it so much..its wonderful nd flattering performances by all of the actors but emir uh nd ferhura are exceptionsl jst luv uh both…best couple i mst say…stay together…luv uh..
I like u so muchhh
u and hazal is the best couple……
love u
like u
plz meet me once coz this is my dream
hii dude u r very handsome good looking i wanna be like you…m big fan of yours..my dream is click a pic wit u n meet u….can u talk me in my personal id [email protected]
Hazal i seriously fall in love with u. i cannaot explain my feelings.can i met u?……
Hellou…Cagatay i must say u r doing great.,,No doubt u r hving Attractive like magical n naturistic persnality ,moreover u r wonderful actor.
I like ur serial FERIHA so much ,as it is related with *** EXOTIC TRUE LOVE ***n ofcourse becuj of u Emir most n Feriha ..u n ur co -actor Hazal n Other actors Vahide Gordum etc hve dne brilliant job.Really Emir n Feriha togethr luk extraordinary n jst Beautiful.
Tanku so much for reading ths ,Hope u the best luck for future ,,with blessings of **** GOD JII **** please make ths type of serials..
Last bt not least ..Ur cuteness n sweetnes Mr.Ullosoy jst kills;.mean to say ur Vry gud nature ,patience,cutenes,sweetnes,the way U expres Ur *** TRUE LOVE ***towards Feriha in ths serial was unique n jst amazing.,how u see towards hr..was adorable n U r also Catagay..,u
Helou…Cagatay…u r doing great i must say…ur acting in FERIHA serial was just awesme n no doubt u r wonderful n vry Attractive also hve magical personality;;mean u r having natural beauty like Hazal.;.keep it up..n i like ur serial FERIHA most as it is related with *** Exotic TRUE LOVE STORY *** n becuj of u both also n really Feriha n Emir together look Fabulous hve magical chemistry ..,tanku so much for reading ths;.hope u the best luck n blessings of **** GOD JII ***** please make ths kind of serials…
catagay ulusoy you are fabulous actor …..keep it up stylish dude… 🙂 Really like your actting in “Medcezir” playing a role of a boy named (yaaman) character really suits you.
Love u…. 🙂
Like u…. 🙂
I love you cagatay
gReat…ACtOr.handSoMe bOoi…:*
iam magul kulanchi from pakistan salam cagatay ulusoy ilike you soo butyfull pac soo cool very nice rich boy hazal leyla kaya and cagatay ulusoy butyfull capl seril and real life allaha hapes plaz plaz plazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz comment replyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
hi…caghaty you are sooooooooooooooooooooo cute and your serial adini feriha koydum is a great serial!!!
Hi.caghaty I’m form Iran .you are very good on the aidin feriha koydom.you&hazel very good please speek the reading……..
he can’t reply anybody because he is very busy actor
which character do you like most Emir or Imran and which character shows your’s acting skills most reply me, I really don’t know you have a time to reply or not
but as viewer i want to know about your’s thinking
I also want to know whats your education
you are perfect actor and also i am watching your new Drama Serial Ashiyana Meri Mohbat Ka can you understand urdu language
you are perfect actor but i really want to know who killed you & Fareeha in last Episode is it Handay, Halil, Jasso Or Leven Sir, Kindly reply me thanks
your film feriah very god Iwant si you adn my ams
hi you are talend feriha go film emer sarafolou give you nuber for fon thank you Ilove your film das film very god
love you so much reply me
i love you cagatay ulosay. i am not like your other fans because im want to marry cagatay because i realy loveeeeeeeeeeeees you i am only 17 but i fall in love with you . i never forget you. my last wish that i meet you in real plzzzzzzzzzzzz reply i wait for you at the end of my life.hazal is also agood actor .looooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeesssssssssss you . its not my attraction with you i really loves you .pllllllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzz reply me if you read it
Catagay Can speak English?
cagatay u r my fav actor u r best and ofcourse like every on e i love u soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and i wish i could see u live
Cagatay make the best film with Hazal. Please try again.
cagatay i love u so much i can do any thing for n im crazy about u n i wish that i could see u in my real life love u sooooo soo much <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I love you so much cagatay that i cant explain my feelings to u . you are so handsome and smart . u love your acting in feriha . i hate hazal kaya because she left the series and her punishment is given right to hazal kaya that her new drama a.s.k became a flop. I love u guys ( femir ) . and i didnt liked emir in yolu because we were already engaged with u and hazal kaya that we could not see gizem karaca and u onscreen . I also loved the story of ur new drama medcezir in which u became a poor man . Cagatay ur a brilliant actor that can do any role like in feriha u acted like a rich person which was flattering performance and medcezir u acted as a poor guy . i love ur acting and ur the best actor that i have ever seen .BEST ACTOR EVER. Love you
cagatay u r realy a nish personalty u look humble and desent
Hi cagatay I love u soo much I really like u…. I wish I wish I could meet u……. I wanna c ya ….. Wanna touch u….. I have no words to say….. I can’t explain my feelings… just wanna feel u…… Any ways… My all prays wid u…. God blessed u….
saying love you is not appropriate because you are much more than that
I really want to see you and your id on facebook.when i search on facebook i found soo much adresses and i don’t know who is your real id.
Hello Cagatay!i want to talk with you,if you see this message,but how i can do to speak with you?
I love cagatay ulusoy so much ummh
slam ,i like u so much
Love you
I love you cagatay .If you know last year I came to Turkey .and meet you in the resturant whichwas beside the lake you said love you to me and gave me a gift while iam leaving the Turkey on the air port I have lost my suit case in which I placed the gift which have gave to me by so much love our secret code love43
I don’t like Hazal’s Kaya role!Feriha is so stupid cause she leave him to go to America,Emir the best!And the end is so stupid!It’s not the end …writer of this drama sucks!!!We want to continue the series but with the return of feriha …Cagatay u are the most handsome man on this world and great actor!Love u…Kiss from Bosnia and Herzegowina.
The story is about Emir & Feriha they should be a good ending where Feriha come back after she got shoot. so she and Emir could live a happy married life
maybe even baby,the story doesn’t make any since with out Feriha Sooooooooo plz
Feriha must come back
The best couple in the world…cagaty u r so handsome n gud looking:-)….bt alas the end of feriha z sad…..:-(
Catagy ulusoy u r my first luv nd wil be last ….i luv uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so much nd more than my self …..im also weping for uuuuuu
hey cgatay ur smile make us die u r so attractive person love u 🙂 😉
Omg am love with emir and fariha but i wished if it was a happy ending instead of fariha death… love you Catagay and ezal <3
pleas tell me where i could wacth drama emir in yolu..
nice mouvi Feriha but the end is very very said .Be a good man and a nice boy in realyti life
and i hope to unswer us in a one day .Good luckk
i love your acting you com back in next serial and 1 time i hug u its my wish
hello and i like you
hi cagatsay. i am your bigger fan. u are very handsome. i wish i see u in real.
awwwww ……..cagatay…….
u r soooo fab that i rellly want 2 see u in real janiiii//////
u r the most handsome person in turkey
Beautiful play but depressing n sad ending…wish capt had not killed her emer feriha looked amazing together
basically there is this drama called Emir’in Yolu and i really like it i want to watch it soo bad but the problem is it dont have no english subtitle and i tried in this website but i cant find it and idk wah to do ?
i requested you to make a darama with hazal and cagatay agin please they are best couple of the world
yes,yes yes.i could not agree more.they are wanderfool together.They interpret excellently a man and a woman in love
Nd u are awsome I like u so much I watch every eposide of feriha really I love u <3
Replay my answer
Hi cagatay I am not happy because the end of feriha is not good nd I want to see u real in my life plz come pakistan one time
I like u sooooo much cagatay n also like u and hazal togather
hello Amir, I like ur play :FARIHA:
u r really gr8 Hero.
i love you amir more than anythigggggg ur my lifeee i want u like heeelllllllll love u<3..u come in my dreams just luv u
merhaba you are chocolate hero cagatay ulusoy tamam
i love your show ADINI FERIHA KOYDUM sooooooooo much!
Hello! You are very talented boy. I wish you good health, very happiness and professional successes. You are the best actor in three countries.
The best wishes!
Good bay!
i love u and wish that meet u!!
we love u emir;i wish that u nd fariha also a couple in ur real life
Salam cagtay I love ur drama feriha nd I also like u nd feriha couple but I wish that in ur new drama medcesir u nd feriha will be together.
I love u soooooooooo much
Have no words for u
Wish to meet u
I love u soooooooooo much ur nice,handsome, I have no words for u
Love u,
feriha end was not good
I wish to see u in real
Have a wish only
me to fza
hazal and cagatay are soooo cute couple
i love them!!!!!!!!!
i like fareha and i like the best part when zehra speak she if marvelous lady in that drama and that drama attract me when her part came on screen and yes amir and fareha is the best couple i hope in real life they will be together same and i request turkish producers to make more dramas of cagatay and fareha cuze they r best couple which i found
Hy cagatay i realy lv u so0o00o much even m0re than fariha and hande well i am not from turkey but i wish to meet u :*
oh my god’
cagatay you are one of my favourite I really like your work and all about you,
I also love your pictures.
I just wanted to meet you at least for once.
cagatay ulusosay you are the best in the world and i bigest fan of you and you are very sweet
i love medcezir drama.i watched 4 episode and please upload more episode in youtube.i like cagatay ullosay&sanary.
hey..!!! cagatay i am your biggest fan in thw world…. i love u sooo much i have never seen such a handsome dashing man i realy love u u dont know about me but i know every thing about u…i fell in love with u
you so hand some but end is fareha drama Is not good its so bad iam Soooooooo sad plz make sesone two of this drama
salam,cagatay ulusoy you are good looking boy and your drama fariya nice ok by.from pakistan
Hi cagatay ulusoy….I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee u so much….um are my biggest fan..I have never seen such a handsome guy before..I wish I could meet u..and yes u r da best model and best actor..I love or acting in adini feiha koydum..I love u
Cagatay ulusoy … u r so handsome …. I really love u so much …. I like ur acting .. I’m from pak n I watch ur drama feriha .. I wanna meet u .. love u … n happy birthday .. may god bless u .. <3 u so much
hi i saw ur comments regarding fareha plz let me know the end of this drama
catagay u are so handsome and a good acter i just want to see u in real and its my last wish
ma ap ko bohoot like kati ho i live you
and of feriha is not good and you looking very handsome in feriha and in real life
hmmmm u are doing great job in feriha let me know that is that feriha season2 are coming or not and what should be name that???
No doubt he is good looking but he needs to improve his acting skills I mean his empty face and emotionless acting irritates the audience I hope he improves his acting in his upcomping projects
i love u cagatay so much
Cagatay Ulusoy’s latest tv series will be broadcasted in Turkey starting from October 2013.
His upcoming drama is Medcezir. He will be playing with Serenay Sarikaya.
I think, the drama will be very popular. I’ve watched the trailer and I think, it is awesome
Cagatay u r very handsome Il like u ur acting is superb I wish u all the best for ur future. 🙂
i love u cagaty ulusoy. I seriously fall in love with you.You dont know about me but i know all about you.You r too much far from me.Butt i can fell u r so close to me.I hope i will be with u one day n then u will understand that how much i love u…….i just cant say nothing but u will mine i hope so….
I love you!! you’re the best <3 he's so handsome right?
Hey i realy like him and i alslo like adni feriha drama i am a pakistani butt i realy like turkish dramas.
U are soooo…….. Nice and cute I love u awesome in feriha drama with feriha. Btw what is the ending of feriha drama in pak it is going on episode 37 plz tell what is The ending will feriha die?
ya feriha is gonna dead at the end 🙁 and emir is gonna start his life with another girl…. plz dont kill her we dont need a sad ending plzzzz :(((((
*****spoiler alert*****
The shoot was not for feriha…
While dancing Emir missed it and feriha died..
Thats the end…
the drama feriha end is not good way
hi i dont know the end of faiha plz tell me the end i read ur comments on page and found that farieha end is not good what was the end plz let me know
the ending is so sill because feriha got shot which is silly but she had to leave because she has a reason and she wouldn’t have left if it wasn’t for that reason but i didn’t like the adini feriha koydum emirin yolu and the emirin yolu i found it really uncessary to make cagatay to do such boring role after feriha left i didn’t like the role of the new people and i was happy that Hande was back but i think that there shoundl’t have been any other series because it was called ADINI FERIHA KOYDUM and the the love story was about Feriha and Emir not emir and Gunus or Emir and that women police officer the best bit about this whole series was ADINI FERHIA KOUDUM!!!!!
you are wrong
Yeh your right, Emir is so cute and nice actor even feriha both are so nice couple in I Nemed her Feriha. Even me I don’t like the end of this drama why Feriha was shot dead by unknown person? So silly the end of their happy marriage would be the end of drama and that would be perfect. The other parts are shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit really if I would be instead of Emir I would end it there.
Its on air in zindagi channel
i want to see writer of feriha koydum
the drama feriha end is not good
Omg! just ur handsome men n yeah I don’t like it the last part
What is the end
Love askimemnu minekşe ile Halil and ferıha
Cagatay Ulusoy kıvanç tatlituğ and beren saat and hazal Kaya and Sedef avcı
Hi cagatay I wish that I see u in real …. u r great actor,so handsome … I love u so much I am the biggest fan of u
i love uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu tell me ur facebook id ya plxxxxxxx
hazal and cagatay.the best couple
Cagatay u r very nice actor, I really like ur work, keep it up:)..
Cagatay, you and hazal are soo cute together! you can make it <3 fyi: feriha is the best turkish series I've watched. xoxo
me too Gs i wish i could see him i realy love him so much !!! <3
Cagatay is a wondwrful actor he is verrrrry verrry good.
I wish i could se him in real 🙁
Cagataya you are the most handsome actor in the world