Name: Murat Unalmis
Birthdate: April 23, 1981
Birthplace: Kayseri, Turkiye
Height: 1.87 m
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Education: Marmara University Business Administration (Marmara Universitesi Isletme Bolumu)
Talent Agency: Abdullah Bulut Management
Spouse: Birce Akalay (m. 17 May 2011 – 29 December 2012)
Biography: Murat Unalmis was born in Kayseri in 23 April 1981. While he was going to high school, his family moved to Istanbul. While he was going to high school, Murat Unalmis played basketball professionally at Fenerbahce Sport Club. After graduating from Marmara University, he took acting lessons at Akademi Istanbul. After then, he started to take part in various tv dramas. He became wellknown with his role in Turkish movie I Saw the Sun (Gunesi Gordum) and then he became the lead character in Love in the Sky (Yer Gok Ask). While shooting Love in the Sky (Yer Gok Ask), Murat Unalmis started dating with his partner Birce Akalay who was also acting in the same tv series and the couple got married. Murat Unalmis was married with Birce Akalay for about 1,5 years.
Murat Unalmis Tv Series / Movies
- 2003 – Bullet Wound (Kursun Yarasi) (as Seyit)
- 2003 – Limited Love (Sinirli Ask)
- 2004 – Celal Boy (Celal Oglan) (as Celal Oglan) (Movie)
- 2005 – Three Women (Uc Kadin)
- 2005 – 2007 Fame (Sohret) (as Mert Erdem)
- 2007 – Like a Secret (Sir Gibi) (as Mehmet)
- 2008 – Wind (Ruzgar) (as Yusuf)
- 2009 – The Wings of the Night (Gecenin Kanatlari) (as Yusuf) (Movie)
- 2009 – I Saw the Sun (Gunesi Gordum) (as Mamo) (Movie)
- 2009 – 2010 Small Town (Kasaba) (as Haydar)
- 2010 – The Tulip Age (Lale Devri) (as Yusuf Hancioglu)
- 2010 – Five Minarets in New York (Newyork’ta Bes Minare) (Movie)
- 2010 – 2012 Love is in the Air (Yer Gok Ask) (as Yusuf)
- 2012 – Fathers and Children (Babalar ve Evlatlar) (as Burhan)
- 2013 – 2014 Live Out-Of-Spite (Inadina Yasamak) (as Ali Ayazli)
- 2016 – Seddulbahir 32 Hours (Seddulbahir 32 Saat) (as Arif)
- 2016 – On The Wings of Love (Sevda Kusun Kanadinda) (as Arif Unlu)
- 2017 – Crazy Heart (Deli Gonul) (as Mehmet Kadir Olcek)
- 2018 – 2021 Bitter Lands (Bir Zamanlar Cukurova) (as Demir Yaman)
- 2023 – Gulcemal (as Gulcemal Sahin)
Instagram: @mrtunlms Instagram
Murat Unalmis Gallery
Murat Unalmis – Yare Soyleme
He has a great and deep personality, I loved his work on Gulcemal. I wish him and his family the best in life.
Grandiosa actuación, me encantó la novela amor imposible, majestuosa actuación un elenco maravilloso, ojalá que Telemundo tramita novela como esta 👍
I think Murat is one of the Handsomest man I’ve ever seen… I feel in Love with him the firt time I saw him in Amor Impossible…
In the original article, it was printed the 41 year old American actor which previously you listed him correctly as a Turkish actor.
Beautiful on screen chemistry between Brice and Murat. I am so into Turkish TV. Magnificent acting and storylines. I loved Love Is In The Air. I was devastated with the ending. I thought somehow it would be a happy ending at the last minute. Such a beautiful love story. I did not see that ending coming. Thank goodness for Netflix so I can get my fill of Turkish filmmaking. Thank you from NYC, U.S.
Love you and Brice together, even though in some episode I couldn’t understand anything without the subtitles, there were so much emotions, passions that made me cry. You two need to do another serie together and didn’t like the ending of “love is in the air”. How can they killed you both, I was in love with your characters.
Murat Unalmus and Birce Alakay, you two are awesome actors. Yusuf and Haava you are my favorite actors in Turkey. I would Love to hear that you and Birce Alakay are back together. She is so beautiful and I love her so much. You and Haava made Love is in the Air, the best movie during our Covid-19 Crisis. Thank you both for showing so much Love on screen. Love to you Murat Unalmus and Birce Alakay.
Solemn, Murat when will u and Birce make another movie together. I felt the Love you both had together. I cried in some of the scenes. Murat Unalmus you are such a great man and Birce Alakay you are so beautiful and incredible on screen. I Love you both. I am waiting for you both to do another number one Movie together.
Yusuf, I Love you and Haava acting together in Love is in the Air. The most beautiful and handsome couple in Turkey. Birce is so beautiful and you are her soulmate. God bless you both to get back together on and off screen. The favorite Actor is Murat Unalmus and my favorite Turkish Actress is Birce Alakay.
Salom Murat Unalmis! Sizning Zuleyha filmida ijro etgan Demir Yaman rolingiz menga juda ham yoqdi. Ijodingizga, faoliyatingizga omad, muvaffaqiyatlar tilayman! O‘zbekistonlik muhlisingiz Otabek
Loved the love affair between yusuf and haava but season 2 after episodes 56,57,58 put me off. Why couldn’t they have their happiness?
I watched season 2 without subtitles so guessed a lot
I felt the same way too. I wanted them to be left alone. A sad end to a very beautiful love affair
True after 56, 57,58 I was so disappointed.
Omg Nurat is sooo beautifully handsome with Bryce they make a truly beautiful couple
Please please can we have some more of his films on Netflix. I read sub-titles
Murat and Birce are great actors!! They make a beautiful couple. Wish they had a happy ending!!
Hello Murat Unalmis,
I always thought that my husband was the most handsome of all men but after seeing this series I could not resist you are so handsome who ever the next lucky lady is she will be very lucky ! but my husband is very good looking and is as wonderful as the man you play in the film I am also very lucky and fortunate to have him.
I can’t believe you two got divorced. I have watched Love is in the air, twice and I love the great acting and the characters .
Please get more of Murat Unaimis on Netflix. I love all the Turkish Serials and I read the subtitles.
Beautiful countryside, beautiful actors…I am amazed at the intricacy of the plots in Turkish series but woould love a happy ending…please? Lol. I am mesmerized and glued to the screen, but the American broadcast doesn’t air the series in its entirety which is pointless and so frustrating. I watched series 111-220+ On Utube in Turkish with Romanian subtitles but understood the gist. I learned some Turkish words too and share them with everyone. Lol. Murat you are such a love you remind me of my last love. xxx You ane Birce made a fantastic onscreen couple. Too bad it didn’t last. Maybe a “second take?” 🙂 inshallah!!! Much love from a fellow
artist in NYC!! 😉 Laura
OMG Murat Unalmis is one of the most handsome men I’ve ever seen. I’m watching “Love Is In The Air” now and when he smiles I melt. I want more shows like this. Another great Turkish series is “The Girl I Loved.” I should move to Turkey 🙂
I cried so much watching this beautiful movie yer gok ask. Murat you are the best actor and the most handsome man.in the turkish films. Please make more movies with Bircey Akalay and with a much happier endings. Thank you.
The year started and I saw this Turkish drama on Netflix I click and I fell in love. Thanks for great serie special for showing the beauty of Cappadocia I love that city.
I fell in love with this series too.Iwatched the 2nd and 3rd season without the benefit of English subtitles.I hope against hope that the show will be eventually shown in it’s entirety with subtitles.
OMG… Murat Unalmis & Birce Akalay on “Love is on the air” are the best of best. I just started watching it on New Year’s Eve on Netflix & I’m on episode 60 couldn’t stop watching it until I fall asleep. Murat as a character of Yusuf, u are amazingly so attractive & the examples of how every men should be. Gentle, handsome, graceful. Birce ( Avva )is a beautiful love bird that every mans heart beat. They fall in Love & got married after the start the series. And got divorced one year before they finished it. I was wondering why they separated. On the series looks like they live happily ever after. We really want both of u to work together again. I’m coming to Turkey to meet both of u including the others. Thanks to all of you including the writer& producers
Isn’t amazing serie I thought I was the only one who watches till fall asleep
Hi Murat. Could u please give me more of your movies. I can’t seem to find . I love your acting and of course your looks .
Omg Murat unalmis is the best. Best looking man I’ve seen in a long time ..I hope he is as nice In Person as in the movie with Bryce . I have been thinking of this movie for weeks now. So disappointed in the ending. Please make another one with Bryce. It would be wonderful to hear that you are back together.. I wish my daughter could marry a man like you but only in my dreams . Good luck in your future. Trying to find more movies with you . God bless
Hi my best actor murat unalmis I would like to tell you that you and birce akalay constitutea bilateral fantastic Iwich you good luck
Dear murat
I saw love is in the air and even having to read sub titles. We loved it. You are a fabulous actor. My question is we got to see 110 episodes but I heard there is 121. I s there a way we can see the rest. Can’t stop
Thinking about this movie you and Brice were great together. What else can we see you in????
Hi Murat Unalmis.I heard about bivorce you and your wife. I am sorry. I sure you and Birce Akalay marrid again. I think you created for Birce Alalay and you and birce a beautiful and good couple. I wish to heard the good news about you and Birce Akalay.
Hi murat how come you let her go you guys made for each other i think god bring her for you in this world what a great chemistry you both had with each other i mean you and brice akalay give it a try one more time i am sure this time will work you both looks to gether so beautiful love both of you
hi murat me I think you and birce love each other for ever .you are very good couple . please send good news for us . we love you . and birce.
unfortunately they have been divorsed
Hi Murat unalmis. You & Birce Akalay were couple beautiful. I wish to be lucky and have a peaceful live with Birce Akalay for all of time.I like you & Birce Akelay.
Hi, I hope very good with your wife.
you and wife Birce Akalay a good couple.
I hope you life very furtune.
hi Murat you are a wnderfull person I wish you all the best and I pray to get back to birce and to be togather again , love u very much
I would like Netflix to continue Season 2 with English subtitles. It is not fair to leave us to guess the rest of the story
hi murat how are u
Men ask to ve birce janem ve Omidvarem too ve birce Janem have best life together and I heat bade
Murat is very talented and Birce was the right one for him to get married.. hope murat unalmis and brice akalay will last forever to be loved!! great choice (very cute couple)
hapyy birhday to murat yossef i hope u get back with havva
Much appreciated for the information and share!