DramaHistoricalRomanceTv Series

Kurt Seyit and Shura


Original Title: Kurt Seyit ve Sura
English Title: Kurt Seyit and Shura
Also Known As: Amor En Guerra
Genre: Drama, Romance, History
Episodes: 21
Broadcast Network: Star TV
Broadcast Period: March 4, 2014 – November 20, 2014
Production Company: Ay Yapim
Director: Hilal Saral
Screen Writer: Ece Yorenc, Melek Gencoglu, Murat Uyurkulak, Aylin Aliveren
Filming Locations: Istanbul, Turkiye; Saint-Peterburg, Russia


Kurt Seyit (Kivanc Tatlitug) is a womanizing lieutenant who is the first son of a rich Crimean landowner of Turkish origin. He is so handsome and successful. Shura (Farah Zeynep Abdullah), on the other hand, is the beautiful daughter of a noble Russian family. She is so naïve and beautiful.

These two young persons meet at a ball in St. Petersburg. Before Shura comes to the ball, Kurt Seyit makes a bet with his friends and tells them he will manage to kiss the first girl who enters the room. And then Shura joins the ball. When Kurt Seyit sees Shura, he develops a crush on her. At the same time, Shura falls in love with him at first sight and can’t get him out of her mind.

Although Kurt Seyit and Shura start to love each other to death, they have to endure obstacles in front of their ways. Kurt Seyit has to prove his fidelity while Shura has to learn to trust him. Also, they have to act against the wishes of their families. This is because; Kurt Seyit’s father wants him to get married to a Turkish girl whereas Shura’s family wants her to get married to a noble man.

For this reason, they must fight for their love against the forces of family, the expectations of society and the events of history in 1920s during revolutions in Russia and Ottoman Empire.

In Kurt Seyit and Shura tv series story, you will explore the adventures of two lovers who have broken away from their magnificent lives in Russia and have been dragged to Istanbul. Will Shura believe in Kurt Seyit’s fidelity? Will Kurt Seyit convince his family? Will the love between Kurt Seyit ans Shura manage to stand for all the obstacles?

Kurt Seyit and Shura Tv Series Cast

External Links
Imdb: Imdb – Kurt Seyit & Sura
Wikipedia: Wikipedia – Kurt Seyit ve Sura
Official Site:
Youtube Channel: Youtube – @kurtseyitsura

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Kurt Seyit and Shura Tv Series Trailer – 1 (with English Subtitle)

Kurt Seyit and Shura Turkish Series Trailer – 2 (with English Subtitle)

Kurt Seyit and Shura Turkish Drama Trailer – 3 (with English Subtitle)

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  1. Hermosísima serie, la he visto online en seriesturcas.gratis y he quedado fascinada con Kivanc Tatlitug. Me gustaría me informaran si hará una nueva serie próximamente.

  2. I was enthralled by the Seyit and Shura TV serial. It broke my heart when they did not get together. It appeared to me such a senseless waste when Seyit refuses to discuss the issues he has with Shura for her to get a better understanding of what is important to him. The fact that in real life Shura cannot see through the machinations of Petro is unbelievable. Are Petro’s machinations real? He is so evil and successful. Is there a sequel? I am so hooked on it.

    1. According to the author of the novel (shura’s granddaughter) there was a Petro who Seyit did kill but that happened early on in the relationship. All of the things he did on the series didn’t really happen. Sura moved to the US and got married, Seyit stayed married. They did stay in touch throughout their lives. Seyit committed suicide after he found out he had I think either TB or lung cancer as he didn’t want to be a burden to his family.

  3. Una gran novela, yo la pude ver completa en español en seriesturcas . org Me encantó, Kivanc y Farah geniales!

  4. Somehow on Oct 1, 2017 I stumbled through Netflix for something I was unlikely to watch and somehow I clicked and out of curiosity began watching Kurt Seyit and Sura. Like most all 236 comments was immersed in its beauty and grandeur. As a history buff, and having read Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and the tragic times of Russians during the Revolution, this series, in Turkish with English subtitles, was mesmerizing. THEN, what should I find online but that this story is based on a true story written by Seyit’s own granddaughter!

    So most of the comments and fan’s reviews express my feelings. Reading these 230-odd comments and still watching up to episode 17, I guess one would want to stop watching, knowing the fate of them as a couple, and on another website discovering the spoilers, I am still curious about what leads to an end. Oddly, nothing “spoils” me because of a natural curiosity.

    It was while Seyit was burying his father and hearing his threats about Seyit and “that woman” that in a stinking I began to have a foreboding a twi (this was before I got on the website and found out more) .Turkish and Mid-East tradition dictates that the father’s word is law. It was so deeply rooted in Seyit’s culture that his father, even after death, was his master. A few subsequent scenes later proved that out and to Sura, it was becoming more obvious. Eventually it came to fruition. That young man Kivanc’s emotional acting especially during Seyit’s burying the parents he tried to save greatly affected me. Even knowing the fates of the two lovers, it is his and Sura”s and the maddeningly traitorous Petro’s strong acting that makes him the one you love to hate.

    Needless to say, there must be a calculating woman, cheaply dubbed Baroness Lola, who (at least at this portion of the series, has has no redeeming qualities. All of these ingredients make for a great feast. It is only in a screen version of a true story that such coincidental meetings occur so predictably. I am one-third of the way through, as of this post.

    I also love Celid and especially Tatya, his sweet ballerina fiancee, because of her generosity and hospitality toward a beautiful Turkish girl who had secretly loved him and thought his name was Seyit, was one of my favorite parts. This kind of screenwriting keeps one interested, in fact enthralled.

    1. Tara again…I am using a Kindle Fire that often spurts out totally unrelated words. I meant “in a twinkling” not “stinking” but there is no option for correcting words. Sorry…

  5. Based on the television drama, I believe a second season is necessary… too many unanswered questions about whether their love for each other continues despite their different paths? If not another season, then I will watch Season one over and over and …

  6. Based on the television drama, I believe a second season is necessary… too many unanswered questions about whether their love for each other continues despite their different paths? If not another season, then I will watch Season one over and over and …

  7. After reading the comments and knowing the leads didn’t end up together I will not be watching this-.- I’m still depressed over Scarlet Heart Ryeo kdrama,I refuse to watch something with a bad ending-.-

  8. I just thought it was odd how she was basically living at the shop, but when he asked her to move in she says no…a bunch of your stuff is already here! It was frustrating that she kept doubting him, and maybe that is what took on a toll on their relationship, but after finding out, and I believe she found out first, (and then her sister had the audacity to rub in Seyit’s face that her departure was for his safety; she really does irk me) how does she not say anything to him? Was it because they damage had already been done? I feel like they both got to a point where they both just stopped fighting.

    1. A lot of Turkish dizi will have to be missed then Ivetta. I find it almost ridiculous that it is acceptable that a huge audience has to be manipulated hugely for long drawn stories and in some cases it is ridiculous that the patiently won love and positive future might have a beloved killed in a car crash – or something like that. And of course the old chestnut of warring mafia-style rich families and controlling patriarchs make most of their family’s life a misery. Really? But that must be what the audiences like. One thing I didn’t like in Kurt ve Sura was that on their first ‘love scene’ we see how this child of a girl had her virginity taken by Kurt. In some countries/cultures such a story event wouldn’t happen. I think Iffet had the same opener; handsome sexy guy ‘wants her very badly’ so therefore he ‘takes’ her!! Sheesh! And he carries on being the dizi’s hero to the end. (Mmm – but he did get killed accidentally by her didn’t he? Just desserts, or something.)

      1. You are on point! The series is unlike the book( somewhat pornographic, I returned). The public fell for the actors, not the actual characters. Seyit was an MCP and Sura, a naïve, young girl, Seyit replacing her father. The series is so full of flaws, lust, unlike Dostoevsky; Hollywood would never attempt to film such a story so full of stupidity. The key here is communication, which the characters lacked. A fairytale with an unlikey ending. Seyit settled for catfish, after enjoying caviar. This series is an insult to women, following the Womens Suffragette Movement , which began iin 1848. I am a history buff, and enjoy the Russian and Turkish development, but, please, if this is based on a true story, what happened? Only my personal opinion. M.

  9. I think she might have been jealous of her sister; maybe she was more reserved, and didn’t want to openly express how she felt about Constantin, but I think she loved him. I think she was jealous of Sura in the sense that she was more open about how she felt about Seyit, she didn’t hold back. How many people jump out of a moving train to go be with the person they love in the middle of all that chaos?

    1. I am loving reading all these interesting perspectives on the Kurt ve Sura series, and the granddaughters writing of it for us. I admire that some of you have re-watched it. I realise that I couldn’t do that because as I enjoyed it first I found myself for the only time in my viewing life, really really cringing and hating that whats-his-name Petro (with the suave moustache?)who was in EVERY shot and circumstances, event and gathering – EVERY time. Creepy, stalky, and awful as a character, who we had learnt near the beginning was a coward and a chancer. The directoral team; why, why does he clutter every bit of every action…. creeping around like a cockroach?

  10. Why should Hollywood remake this serie ?! İt is beautiful in this way, portraying Turkish culture with Turkish values and traditions. And it is based on a real story ! Stop remaking good films in ‘hollywood’ ways because it just destroys the beauty of the series/movies. İ’m sure everyone here are more satisfied this way because as I said earlier this is not a science-fic/drama/action film that you can refilm, it reflects our history,our culture! You are free to do whatever you like with your own history but please stay away from ours!

  11. Late answering: It does make sense in terms of what I observed in the classroom, but I also think it’s disgraceful. Romantic love had no part in the marriages I saw. Romance and even love one women, but marry another.

  12. Hi! I downloaded the App on my phone and I’m not sure how to get this? How do I pay. Sorry, I’m a bit embarrassed as I can’t figure it out!

  13. With all due respect, I disagree. I think the ending, even though it is based on a true story, is beautifully sad and heartbreaking, like love itself and in their love story. Of course, I wanted them to live happily ever after!! It’s just not reality and will remain the most beautiful love story I can think of ever seeing. I can’t wait to order the books. Thank you Ms. Nermin. Thank you.

  14. This is in support of Nermin, should she check in again. I am currently reading the book, which you can find at http://www.kobo.com. In real life Murvet, you know, seems like a really nice lady. There is something to admire in a woman who freely acknowledges the love her husband had for another woman and passed that on to their granddaughter. Nothing but respect for her. In the series? As far as I’m concerned I hope she was miserable cause she stood in-between Seyit and Sura. All that aside, I think what myself, my family and others (Cause we are all hooked) really struggled with is there did seem to be a abruptness in the change of direction of the series. The Murvet/Seyit storyline felt really fast, It did feel like they were not honoring the love story people we’re so in love with, like literally in love with.

    The book thus far does make it more clear as to why things went down the way they did. The series seemed like it skipped some steps and with no clear answer as to why, Seyit character really took the blame. That wedding scene, where she tried to stop it and he went through with it! Grrrrrrr.

    When it ended we had to mourn this great love between two soul mates. Also, we literally sat there for at least two hours trying to figure out how in the hell did this happen?! Pride? Regret? The Father? There could have been more clarity as to why. NO BODY likes the ending, mostly because we never saw Sura happy and it seemed like Seyit grew to be content in his life, perhaps never at peace but content. Seyit was supposed to be miserable/alcoholic without Sura for the rest of his life. Again, this is just referring to the series.

    I recommended reading the book, they ALWAYS loved each other right to the end. You realize though, they had a lot they were up against, especially at that time with war and religious difference. People say cultural difference but in reality it was an Old-school Turkish Muslim background and a Russian Christian Aristocratic family. Through personal mistakes and outside influences, at some point the damage is done. The ending in the book should have influenced more of the ending in the series and a lot more people would have been like ‘okay, I get it.’

    1. Your comments about series and the book are spot on. I must admit I loved both. I probably loved the series because the acting was so good I came to love the actors. It’s quite a fascinating story about exotic worlds, and story is what engrosses us. Then when I read the book last December I found I loved it, too, in a very different way, as it was an engrossing story.

  15. Why did the ratings drop in Turkey. For me the whole Petro saga going unnoticed for so long was annoying and should have ended sooner than it did. I read Turkish audiences were disappointed in the female who played Sura, Do you think this why the low ratings? I thought she did very well in her performance although early on not as attractive as in the Istanbul segments. I really liked the female who played Tatya and thought she would have been excellent as Sura.

  16. I love this series. Dr. Zhivago is one of my all time favorite movies and I like Kurt Seyit and Sura better, mainly because Kivanc Tatlitug and Fara Abdullah are great actors, especially Kivanc. The passion he brings to Seyit is unlike anyone I’ve seen in movies or TV. He is truly an amazing actor. All the main actors were excellent. Don’t stop watching, there’s so much more to the story. I felt like the writers took way too long for Petro’s scheming and treachery to be exposed (possibly why ratings dropped) but overall so glad I watched the entire series. I’m on my 3rd viewing and some of my anger for Seyit is gone and directed toward Sura. Sura sided with Petro when she should have supported Seyit. Both are to blame for the failure of this relationship. Watching the series again has helped me get over all the heart felt sadness of the ending.

  17. Dear Nermin. First congratulations on your book and thank you for sharing your families history. I read book in 2 1/2 days . I literally went to work and read i did not do anything else. I also read on my lunch, that is how addicting book was lol 🙂 i loved the book, 1st chapter already got you engaged so much that i did not want to put it down. At the end, i realized that i would never be 100% satisfied just because Kurt and Shura did not end up together. I love that book is based on true story and that is so special to me. I wish i had magic stick and would interview Kurt and Shura and tell them what is wrong with you two. After all you went through you will give up on each other…. thank you once again, and i cant wait to read other books 🙂

  18. Hello Flavia, sorry for the late reply. After i finished book i realized that they had many ups and downs and probably that is why they did not end up together. But also they been through so much and i would think that love that they had for each other no one or anything could destroy. But unfortunately its life and i was wrong. No reader will be satisfied at the end simply because they did not end up together.

  19. Nermin Bezmen,
    I have been absolutely captivated by this story. First, I would like to say thank you so much for sharing this deeply personal and emotional story. I too, like everyone else, wanted so deeply for their love to bring them together in the end. However, upon finding out after I watched, learning this was a true story it really hit me. Although Sura didn’t have her fairy tale ending with Seyit, it sounds as if your Grandmother for some years did have the fairy tale.

    You have given us such a treasure by peeking into the lives of your Grandparents. Your Grandmother is a truly a remarkable woman. She knew the love he had for Sura but was able to find a bonding love with your Grandfather. Lives that experience so much tragedy is nearly impossible for our generations to understand. You put our hearts and minds back in time and into a Culture that I am not very familiar with. Connecting with Tina is amazing. I can’t imagine what that must have been like for either of you. The emotion of what that must have been like is just beyond what I can imagine. Your Grandfathers honor to Murvet and your Great Grandfathers expectations is truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing this with us. Although it is heartbreaking in so many ways, there are many lessons and blessings as well. I look forward to reading your series in English.

    I am so very sorry for the loss of your Grandparents and especially in the manner of your Grandfather’s passing. Rejoice in the fabulous memories that you have of them and again, thank you for sharing their memories with all of us.

  20. If the Netflix Turkish version reaches a threshold level of popularity then Hollywood will do their own version according to their conventions and their projected audience sensibilities. Instead of a bleach blonde Sura they will have Scarlet Johanssen (I admit at first I thought it was her in the Turkish series) Probably they will have other actors with name recognition for their global audience. They will change the story to suit their audience. I liked the Turkish series partly because it was not Hollywood. I also liked, for example, the original Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Wallander series but https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/42f169afa80d30c1dd805faf6be9a59a5f90d14a1bd72d5f323dad21ab3bfdad.jpg Hollywood grabbed them too.

  21. Hi Gorana… Any clue about the reasons they Split up? Thanks! Like many people here, I´ve got frustate about the end…But as it is real life, we must accpet…And think about our own life…

  22. Beautiful and hunting despite what we’d all have hoped for as an ending. I watched all episodes in 1 week time and felt I am in the world of a Russian classic novel which is remarkable. I would like to share my thoughts about Seyt’s love and what we most seem to forget due to the powerful impression of their love story. It is always the psychology of an individual that leads to his choices and not only emotions… so here are my conclusions… 🙂

    – Seyt was aware of his charms and extremely proud by nature, was a common personality trait for Turkish men especially during those days of history, it was the one personality trait that made the difference in the menly dominated society “pride”, ” honor” etc
    – brave solder with victories and a strong sense of “DUTY” which was fueling his soldier ambitions and victories but also hunted his conscience after his father’s death (he could never actually forget what was expected of him in terms of marriage and Sura always feared but failed to really look into the depths of that until he married Murvet and tried to hold that against him as if he chose his father over her in the end – not so well developed in the movie but there were many clues of that…)
    – Love and Ego – did he love Sura? Yes! But also only until he found a girl who best mirrored traditions, which caught his eye and which he felt isn’t challenging his ego as much; I do not believe that only the tensions with Sura and whatever he saw pushed him towards the choice of marrying another woman and certainly not Murvet, though it is what we all prefer believing

    – he could never really forget about Sura perhaps mostly also due to his ego (he liked the idea that Sura belonged to him) but also due to the guilt he felt towards the chaos he created in her life and his revealed cowardice
    – Was EGO stronger than Love – well, depends how we look at it! Love is the choices we make in a sense but also what we longing for! looking at the facts, he never married Sura though he could have from the moment they made it to Istanbul as a sign of respect for her jumping from the train and leaving her family behind, to protect her against bad rumors against her honor, because he loved her and truly only saw her as the woman for him, etc)
    – I believe that his sense of duty, cowardice and also ego in a way prevailed over his love and certainly over his essential choices
    – The real Seyt – perhaps a bit over rated in our eyes due to the beauty of the way the story is narrated
    – Was Seyt much different from other men in those times? Perhaps Sura’s love made us perceive him like that and his bravery + occasionally “sweet talk”
    – Did he encouraged the attention of any other women which led to such complications despite his feelings for Sura, yes…! I believe more in the real life story….

    – Did he love Murvet – definitely attracted to her, definitely he loved her shyness more and obedience more as men like that seem to find such things as a proof of virtuosity

    – Did the fact that Sura allowed him to have her without marriage mattered in the depths of his unrevealed thoughts? I believe so…

    – Was Murvet the love of his life? no need for her to be that in order to for her to have more of him than the love he felt could guarantee any for any other woman

    Sura – beautiful, amazing, loving and loyal failed in a way to admit the cultural differences and that made her be less cautious in actions, too outgoing in her love and words for a proud man like Seyt

    Murvet – with all the respect, nobody would expect her to say no the possibility in that social context and she accepted the compromise with a sense of empathy which is beautiful; though we don’t really know what Murvet later thought of his love for Sura after actually living with him till his death, I’d be really curious…

  23. ****** spoiler*********
    I am so glad I am not the only one who felt in love with this story. Unffortunatelly, I couldn’t watch all … I got ansious and read the synopsis of last episode at netflix and realized that was no happy end for The couple. I felt so sad about the end that talk with my husband (who couldn’t understand me) and started to searxh on Google. Better it is a true story. Life is like that… After the end we ask why we choose that or that. This series/book can make us look better to all love we have in life, in real. And think about how life can make us to take different choices…
    But I still sad because their love wasn’t the champion… They should have their reasons…
    Wish to read the book in portuguese!
    I am from Brazil and addicted in movies and love stories… Netflix is ?? to let the world know about this story and discover the book and the true story.
    Thanks to Nermin to share with us the Beautiful story about her family…
    Maybe they didnt stay together because of the prejudice of that time?!

  24. I felt the same way…Wish to understand the real reason they didn´t stay together…Doesn~t seems that it was lack of love…

  25. ****** spoiler*********
    I am so glad I am not the only one who felt in love with this story. Unffortunatelly, I couldn’t watch all … I got ansious and read the synopsis of last episode at netflix and realized that was no happy end for The couple. I felt so sad about the end that talk with my husband (who couldn’t understand me) and started to searxh on Google. Better it is a true story. Life is like that… After the end we ask why we choose that or that. This series/book can make us look better to all love we have in life, in real. And think about how life can make us to take different choices…
    But I still sad because their love wasn’t the champion… They should have their reasons…
    Wish to read the book in portuguese!
    I am from Brazil and addicted in movies and love stories… Netflix is ?? to let the world know about this story and discover the book and the true story.
    Thanks to Nermin for to write this beautiful story.

  26. Dear Nermin Bezmen

    I would first like to congratulate you on the wonderful book. The series transmitted by Netflix is ​​already a success. I’m a fan in love with Seyit and Shura.
    I could not understand clearly the separation of Seyit and Shura in the book and in the serious / novel is not clear.
    And in the interview you refer to Shura as a lover, why do you say that if Murva was who entered into their lives?
    Do you know the history of two sides points of view, can you tell if Seyit died for love and for the lack of love of Shura?
    Did he commit suicide?

  27. Thank you Nermin for responding so kindly. I sure hope I did not offend anyone with my remarks or replies. I have been in Turkey, and am actually Dutch, but live now in the US. But we have a lot of Turkish people in Holland as well, so I am a little familiar but not enough.

    Either way, I so look forward reading the novels and hope you can find a publisher soon. I wonder if you feel they did your books a service since Petro never followed Sura and that whole part of the story was not true. So yes I am anxious to read the whole series.

    Thank you again for your talent and for giving us readers an opportunity to learn about the culture and the times it played out their lives. Blessings to you!! Yvonne

  28. thank you Nermin I so appreciate you giving all this info and the other websites for the interviews. Looking forward reading the books and hearing the interview. Blessings

  29. Dear Ms. Bexmen,
    Thank you so much for posting this interview. Like you, I have always been an avid reader, thanks to my seventh grade reading teacher. I always loved reading historical romances and was fascinated society life, along with its constraints. Kurt Seyit ve Sura was perfect for me! I laughed at the humor, cried with the characters during their pain and disappointments. It did not bother me at all to have to read the subtitles. I am in the mist of watching it again, even though I know the ending. The first time I was so angry at Seyit, but watching it a second time, I see things a bit more from his perspective. I cannot wait for the book to get published in English, as the book always provides more depth and insight. This story has really stayed with me. I don’t believe I have ever read a love story where the main characters did not end up together, which made the story more realistic. I was devastated at first, because I felt as if we did not get closer in respect to Sura. I wanted to know what happened in her life after Seyit. I wanted to make sure she gained some happiness, without the love of her life.


    March 21 at 6:15am ·

    Love, Longing, and Ancestry: Interview with ‘Kurt Seyit ve Şura’ Author Nermin Bezmen http://bit.ly/2mngk1Q

  31. Dear Paula, I wrote four sequenced novels of this saga so far and now I am finishing it up with Shura’s America life till she died. So, if I camn find the right American publisher you will be able to read all of them, hopefully. So far there is only one on kobo.com as an e-book ; Kurt Seyt & Shura. Best wishes.

  32. Dear Zuriga, yes, indeed, my grandpa committed suicide in 1945 after a very painful struggle with tuberculosis and he just could not take it anymore… living as a needy men was not the kind of life for him…

  33. kobo . com has the e-book version in English. There are some typos that I don’t like but alas!… Enjoy it…

  34. It is sad that you accept real life as “stupid” and “cruel” which is actually the case most of the time and we have to learn how to face and endure it.

  35. Lİfe it self can be more horrible than one can imagine and it also has more fiction it it than any mind can create.

  36. Dear Tina, Shura works as a model in Prince Felix Yusupov’s fashion house in Paris, got married to another White Russian, got divorced, moved to America, work in NY as a model again and got married to an American gentleman and had a daughter. She had quite a few more tragedies in her life, so much ups and down and tidal waves but she was still the same sweet, determined, passionate, darling Shura. These are all in my other novels….

  37. Dear Yvonne, thank you for your realistic yet very sentimental review. My first novel is on kobo.com as an e-book. Now I am working on getting a publisher here in The States for all of my novels (seventeen bestsellers so far) and especially Kurt Seyt sagas which consists of five novels as sequels. Yes, I do know what happened to Shura after she left Istanbul and the last book of mine was about her two years in Paris between 1924-1926. Now the last one on my desk is about her life in America till she died.

  38. Since it was the true story of my grandpa the ending with Shura was unhappy bıt if the show went on you would be able to see many happy memories coming to life too.

  39. Der Lorena, the character Murka, which was my grandma actually should not come into the picture yet, at least for another two seasons. The story was very green for that involvement yet. The production company had planned three year in a row continuity which did not work as planned. Reading the book will help you how and why Murka came into Seyt’s life…

  40. Dear Paula, I have written four novels as sequels of this saga so far and now I am busy writing the fifth and the last one. None of that was taking in the series yet…

  41. Dear Tina, if you read the book, you will see that no body has give-up the other one. There was so much going on than giving up with no reason..

  42. Dear Fans of Kurt Seyt & Shura, I am happy to have read your reviews on this page and I can well understand the frustration of some of yours.
    First of all I would like to express my thanks to you all for opening your hearts, liked it or not, to my family story and I want to express my gratitude not only for myself but also for my granddad Kurt Seryt and our beloved Shura.
    Since the production company had planned to make the three sequenced novels of mine on this saga into a tv series everything was planned accordingly and as the ratings in Turkey did not satisfy them the series came to a halt. Even if it did not you would still have some questions since the real story had to take a different dimension due to the differences of a screen math. I hope you can read the e-book version in English on kobo.com and get the true story and see how every detail is painstakingly explained there. Sorry for some typos that take place in the e-book but you sure will get a much better aspect of the saga I wrote. My best wishes to all of you.

  43. yes just finished seeing too– I think she did- because Karman’s eyes looked happy/smile in them at the end when turned sideways before it ended- as for shura it was very sad–glad she found a life

  44. Check out this, author posted in comments page where you can get access for e book. She is having hard time publishing book in English language which is so sad. But Kim Kardashians selfy book gets published in no time Its so sad 🙁

    Definitely in that time i cant imagine living like that… i think that a lot has changed. At least i hope so 🙂

    Let me know what you think after you read ebook.

    Best wishes !


  45. Hello Yvonne,

    Book is in Serbian. I was born in Ex Yugoslavia and due to war my family moved to USA. Serbian and Turkish language is very different i could not understand anything when i was watching the series. Serbian is more similar to Russian language 🙂

  46. Hello Tina,

    I just finished my book. You definitely need to read it.Its so much better then series. Some of the things did not even happen. Petro never followed Kurt and Sura to Turkey.
    1. Sura left Istanbul and moved to Paris, after Paris she went to USA.
    2. She got married in USA and has a daughter named Sandra.
    3. Kurts grand daughter meet Sandra and went to Suras grave.
    4.Sura left Istanbul and arrived to Paris in 1924
    5.Kurt got last letter from Sura in 1926, she was asking him to come with her to usa. But he could not live behind his 2 daughters.
    6. Kurt died 1945, he was only 54
    7.Sura went back to Istanbul after war was over. She spend 2 months in Istanbul with her sister and mother. Author is not sure if she got there on time to see Kurt. Because he died around same time.
    7. Sura died in 1966, she was berried in California by her mother.

    After reading this book i dont know why he never married her or at least how come she did not get pregnant? They spent many years together. They went through so much pain together and its said that they did not end up together.

  47. I agree, I hated the fact that he gave up on Sura. It was so hard for me to see him move on with the new wife and her goofy family. I’m very disappointed in the ending. I can’t get Poor Sura out of my head. Can someone tell me since it’s a true story whatever became of Sura?

  48. What language are you reading the book in Gorana? Since you said you were from Serbia, I thought the Serbian language is not the same as Turkish? Maybe some similarities, but not the same. Unless you of course also know that language 🙂

  49. Can you give me the link to that ebook Gorana? I would like to read it. Am watching Lovebird right now, and some similarities, but apparently also a sad a ending 🙁 Maybe the Turks are not that happy in their love stories after all? Learning lots of the cultural differences though, some good and some absolutely horrid.

  50. I was totally obsessed with the love that Seyit and Sura shared. I’m on episode 28 now and felt like it was headed for a bad ending. I will stop watching at this episode now that I know Seyit and Sura do not end up together. It would be to depressing. Yes, real life happens and people do not end up together, but that’s not what viewers want to see. They want to see a happy ending especially for these two wonderful people who were so so much in love. I have never seen any movie, and I’m 63, show this kind of love between a man and woman. Very sad that the ending has ruined this wonderful movie.

  51. that is good to know and more then likely the author knows.. I am watching Lovebird right now, and I see a very similar trend in the story. The Turkish culture plays a very important role of both men and women and how they respond to each other.

    In our culture in the US or Western Europe some of the responses both male and female are hard for us to grasp or downright wrong. But we have to respect the culture and the time this story played out. More then likely some things have changed within Turkish culture as well. However the Muslim culture is very very different from a Christian culture.

    Thanks Gorana for sharing that indeed the book may be published in English

  52. I did some research and it looks like book will be available in English. Hopefully it will be coming soon. I am getting book in Serbian , its available and my cousin is shipping it to me. I was able to find few pages and read it online. According to author you will have better understanding when you read the book, why them two could not end up together.

  53. not really. Most of the ones I’ve watched have a lot of happy endings. This show and Aski Memnu (which i HIGHLY recommend) had sad endings. Unlike this show, however, Aski Memnu, while it was sad, was very well thought out and I rewatch it almost every year

  54. I think what everyone seems to forget in their comments that this is a TURKISH culture… the way Seyit responds is from his cultural background which in the US is foreign to us. He was brought up that you listened to your father and followed his wishes. And leaving and going without telling the women is more common in that culture and especially in the timeframe this movie, story is.

    I am not saying that I agree with his attitude, but we can’t forget this is a story that plays out in Turkey, and Turkish culture.

    1. Hi, I can understand what you mean. I agree with you that there were/are people who truly embrace(d) their culture, ways and beliefs, but I honestly believe that there were still a few people (in that era) who defied everything in the name of “love”. Love is a powerful thing. A man who deeply loves someone will defy everything to show his intention.
      Kurt Seyit ve Sura is not just an hour show. It is a very long show so we may not be able to remember all the words that the main characters said or did. I had to watch it over and over again to fully understand the story. It was not easy for me to understand when I was half asleep most of the time. I had to watch it from dusk to dawn because this is something you must watch till you drop.
      Please let me refresh your memory. E13…Seyit defended Sura when he had a confrontation with his father. I believe he was influenced by other culture and did have an open mind. E21. He proposed to Sura. E22. They were about to get married when the bad guys sabotaged their wedding. Its’ not that he did not defy his father to be with Sura or did not have any intention of marrying her… he did all those things. E33. Sura explained to Seyit why she did not want to move in with him in the laundrette so he told Ali to make the preparation for their wedding in secret. He wanted to suprise Sura.E34-35-Even they had an argument he still tried to apologize to her. He sent her roses with a message “my stubborness isn’t as big as my love”. Even when he saw the roses that were dumped in the rubbish bin he was still thinking of her. E36. ( White Russians night at the club) … was very keen to see Sura but walked away after he had a confrontation with Petro…then out of the blue went to see Murvet (the girl he married)…that is my argument my dear. That is the part I could not figure out. He told Sura when he proposed to her that she was the only woman he wanted to marry. He had all the power to be with Sura if he did not give up on her or he tried to do the right thing.
      Ooh well, not to worry… it happened a very very long time ago. Who really knows what was on his mind, even the writer couldn’t tell. Maybe if he can only speak with me… he would say… “shut up woman…I already had enough of Emine nagging me…stop talking about me…it’s really non of your business what I did.” …lol Have a nice day!

  55. This story is such an emotional heart felt of Seyit’s and Sura’s love for each other and the bitter obstacles they had to endue. The Judas in the story or the villain played his part well. The actors are so great in this I am afraid to see the end. My knowledge of Russian history is very little and the only the knowledge is the musical :”Fiddler on the Roof” But it bestrides me how evil men can become-even if it means to hate their parents and betray their closest friends! We still live in a world that has NOT changed! Hats off for all those responsible in this historic movie that melts the heart. Our society needs movies such as this one.

  56. It’s not the destination it’s the trip! That so many people (women?) complain about the ending shows how powerful the story is. You identify with Sura. Men identify with Seyit and see it all developing, the clues, the reasons. This is not a baited mousetrap plot. Not only is it real, realistic and believable but there are no unfair cheap tricks or surprises unless you are in wishful “la vie en rose” denial. You can blame Petro but when so many things have gone bad in a person’s life it no longer matters whose fault, then PTSD sets in and you have to walk away for your good and health. I got to this site looking for images contrasting Seyit as a Russian officer with the corresponding beard to the new Istanbul Seyit when he shaves part leaving stubble and Turkish mustache. Did not find it yet. Could be good meme. Should post a youtube link to Edith Piaf singing La Vie en Rose.

  57. I just finished binge watching this show and I was hoping so hard that Seyit and Sura would end up together and couldn’t believe they didn’t, I was so upset/hurt/depressed and it was hard to shake it of. When I found out that is was a real story written by Seyit’s grand daughter it all makes sense. They can’t change the ending of a real story. I heard though that there is a second book, does anyone know about this?
    Also if you fell in love with Seyit you should watch the Turkish show Cesur ve Güzel, its a great show!

  58. Sounds like you should educate yourself on what the show portrayed itself to be and The betrayer we all felt in the lie that it became . also if love conquers all how did love fail ? Also did they pay you to write this ? This doesn’t need education. It needs heart . Integrity. And not dismissal of a woman that loved with all she had to give including defying her family . Oh but that’s okay . It’s okay she lost her mother and sister and never saw them again for Seyit . Lets concentrate only on Seyit right ??? The man … absolutely disgraceful

  59. Terrible. I loved the story but how the director abandons the essence of the show for the new Turkish girl is unprofessional, heartless and obviously could care less about the viewers . How does the director ( obviously in love with Murvet or Murka whatever her name is … beautiful girl but really ??? ) gives up on the story and adds this girls name in the end ? Honestly as a citizen of the United States I understand now why foreign shows / films are not successful here . The director Or whoever was in charge of This show gave up on its integrity. How RUDE to just yank Sura out and not even give her a happy ending as well . WTF ? I’m sorry but this is the WORST ending to a show / film / book I have ever encountered. I hope this production ends here if not I’ll make sure not to ever watch anything made by Turkish productions . What a shame because the show had heart , beauty , and soul until it was devoid of those very things . Shame on whoever decided to punish the viewers and compromise the integrity and the entire point of the show in order to do whatever selfish self centered reasons … UGH … time I’ll never get back so to say I’m angry is an understatement.

    1. I agree!!! The show was originally supposed to have 3 seasons, but due to low ratings they hurried up and finished with two. I wonder why? Maybe bc the writer of the show screwed up the 2nd season so bad?
      Awful ending! I have yet to see a Turkish show w a happy ending! I watched Love Bird, also with a ridiculous ending!

      1. This was my 2nd Turkish show with very negative ending. I just think that is how it is with Turkish production. This show really had negative impact on my emotions. I am wondering if anyone watched Turkish show with happy ending? I want to see it, if its on Netflix.

        1. I have only seen Love Bird and Kurt Seyit ve Sura. Both ended badly, I watched 72 episodes of Love Bird and I have no idea if she ended with her lover or not. There is definitely a cultural disconnect. Sorrow seems to be theme.

        2. Yes it’s on Netflix. Thought it was a very good series, perhaps there could be a third ! With a happy ending for Seyit and Sura together.

          1. guys, truly it is a story, you all seem to only love CIndarella type stories, and lets get real, NOT ALL love stories end happy. And if this is indeed based on a true story, obviously they did not stay together and parted ways.

            Yes I would have loved to see a different ending too, but again, its a story, even if real, life happens that way.

            If indeed the 2nd season had bad ratings so they had to write a quicker ending ,though it is hard for me to even understand why it would have a bad rating. It felt indeed as if they scrambled the last part way too fast together and Seyit deciding so fast on another woman was ridiculous and showed that in his heart he may have already left Sura way earlier, which in the end is then still better for Sura.

            I would have liked to know what really happened to her and if I can ever find the books in english maybe it will tell us

  60. I was absolutely consumed by this story, the ending made me
    empty and wondering what happens to Sura after she leaves. I thought it would go quickly to a later time in her life where she is dying and just before she sees him coming for her in the snow on the white steed, just like the opening of every episode. At least this would have given the ending a bit more joy than leaving it the way it was.
    Kivanc will be a very big star one day, and just read that he is here leaning English and studying acting.
    Farah was also amazing and was perfect for the part of Sura.
    Now I must go and get on with the real world, but must say it was a lovely escape for it.

    1. terrible worst ending imagineable – can’t believe how Sura was just thrown out so thoughtlessly and just abandoned for that boring wife that he married – I could not believe it! How awful ! what a horrible bitter disappointment!

  61. omg omg, after binge watching this show on netflix, watching till the sun came up, it just ends?! So they dont actually end up together? Is there any more episodes. If this is really how it all ends, damn it just did a number on me. Gonna take some time to get out of it haha. This show was beautifully shot, and the attention to detail was amazing. Also the actor playing Seyit is incredible, he really needs to get very popular everywhere. Anyone have any recommendations of other turkish shows, even with the same actors?

    1. Don’t watch ANYTHING made by Turkish productions. In my mind I strongly believe this was the worst ending I have ever experienced. The show was exceptional until it turned absolutely STUPID and CRUEL

  62. omg, after binge watching this show on netflix, watching till the sun came up, it just ends?! So they dont actually end up together? Is there any more episodes. If this is really how it all ends, damn it just did a number on me. Gonna take some time to get out of it haha. And the actor playing Seyit, is incredible, he really needs to get very popular everywhere.

  63. I too was very disappointed that Seyit and Sura did not end up together. I had to stop watching after 21 episodes because I found out that Seyit was going to marry another woman. I don’t understand why!!! He had promised that they would always be together. Typical man!! If he was not going to marry her, why did he date her in the first place? I think that was very selfish and immature of him. I think the author should have stopped writing when we still thought they were going to be together. We have enough unhappy endings in real life. We don’t need to seek them out. Had I known this before I started watching I never would have started watching. I usually stay away from films that have an ending like that, although I make an exception for Romeo and Juliet because Shakespears language is so beautiful.

    1. Hiya, Actually, I had to finish watching the whole 46 episodes just to see if they would end up being together, but it was totally disappointing. Yes, it’s really nice to watch a love story with a happy ending.
      I just started watching “Love Birds” on Netflix…Murvet, I mean Fahriye Evcen is the leading lady. Another Turkish t.v. show you might try to watch… (76 episodes) I’m only on the 25th E at the moment…very powerful drama…a real tear-jerker to me. I love it. I had to watch the last episode first just to see if they had a happy ending…it’s a bit vague but at least he wanted to be with her. One thing, why do the writers have to spoil the story by including bad guys in the picture. 🙁 Have a lovely day…:)

      1. F Turkish Shows . Seriously let them get their crap together before you spend your time watching shows that are Not designed for our enjoyment

  64. As a continuous family saga, compelling characters, production skills and visual beauty this film was a masterpiece of escapism flawed only by the hurried winding down of the story at the end.

  65. I just finished watching this show. I can’t even explain how emotional it was. My cousin is shipping book to me so i can read it, i hope i have better understanding why they did not end up together. O by the way book is coming from Serbia. They still dont have it in English but i am sure it will be coming soon.

    I was very unhappy with the ending. I wish they showed more what happened with Sura. How she ended up. Book is based on the true story and this makes it even more special.

    If Seyit knew that his family will never approve someone who is not Turkish why did he even date her in 1st place. I hope that reading book will answer many of my questions.

    Unfortunately, this is not only one story that ended up this way. I hope no one goes through something like this.

    1. I am also trying to find the English version of both books. I fell so in love with these characters I didn’t want the series to end.

      1. It should be coming in now. I actually told my cousin to send me 3 books. One for me and other 2 for presents 🙂 Also, keep checking and i am sure it will be coming in English as well.

    2. The show was horribly done in the end . How selfish and ignorant the makers of this show must be to ignore the audience and it’s needs . Clearly when the new Turkish girl shows up the light is on her and Sura Is cast aside immediately. UGH Horrible taste and obviously the director had no heart and soul but was thinking with something else . Take that crap off stage set and remain true to the story . ” Seyit and Sura ” HELLO ?????

      1. There should be one more season. We need to see them end up together. Sura is beautiful Russian woman who Seyit feel in love with, and religion should not keep them apart.

  66. It made me very sad to learn that the real Seyit committed suicide in 1945. Perhaps he was ill or maybe he just couldn’t go on any longer. Many of us lose a lover. Some we forget and others are always with us in our heart. It was worth watching this drama just to gaze into the face of Kivanc…he’s a heck of an actor and not just a pretty face at that. The story brought much joy to this old lady with her own stories.

  67. they should of ended at the episode 45, we know what is going to happen after anyway. episode 46 shows us what happened, our emotions change, all of sudden you don’t like Seyit. You have to read between the lines, I don’t want to spoil anyone. if you watched “Gone With The Wind”, the ending was perfect, it gave us an imagination of what could happen after. the Seyit and Sura was beautiful, it pulls on your heart stings every which way. watch out, you maybe watching ’til the sun comes up. enjoy!

    1. Can not agree more . Why drag it out and if they did why not give Sura a proper and beautiful ending ???? Oh but no let’s make it more about Seyit and his Murka . Tasteless

  68. Yes, I had a relationship with a Turkish diplomat while working in Libya. Our western upbringing does not match Turkish cultural expectations. we western women love the “romance” but would be stifled in the long term. The movie was 100% believable for one who has walked the walk!

    1. Unfortunately for me it was more status,32 yrs ago, went back to the town I was born to visit family and friends (Italy).He was the son of a well to do family in the Province.I met him on vacation and a year later went back, stayed 3yrs. During a summer festival, found out he got engaged the same day with a model who came from a wealthy family (3 yrs didn’t know who she was, the family said nothing to me) She had her arms around him showing friends and family the ring.I was with his family and friends.when he looked my way I felt tears coming down my face, I slowly walked away ran out to the field cried till my cousin took me home.He promised that he would never hurt/leave me and he didn’t care what his mother thought of me. The same night he came to see me (too much went on) a week later i left- called me many times , 2 years ago I went back,he came to see me, so handsome…It was like time stood still, there was no happy ending for me or him either. He was the only love of my life. I cried for Sura (inocent of what love could to a person) I keep watching episodes 1-13, happier days. Farah is amazing.

  69. I am binge watching and am on episode 17…about birthday party at hotel/moving guns in baskets etc.. Read some of these comments stating that there are 46 episodes!! I don’t know whether to be happy or be hysterical – this show is like eating salted peanuts – I want to stop but can’t. Can’t take much more of writers letting Petro get away with his deceit, Sura’s melancholy and letter writing. But lead actors are gorgeous. The scenery is stunning.

  70. I’m an Italian-American, watching for about 2 weeks, I got so involved into the characters I had to stop about the middle of the series! Hate Petro, you feel bad for Seyit, than you have Tina and her aunt, someone please shoot them! Than you feel bad for Sura, Farah has the best crying I have ever seen. Than you start to like Petro! lol. Obviously, I’ll watch ’til the end.

  71. I watched this show over Christmas break and then the whole month of Jan I’ve rewatched parts. Wow it just did a number on me!! I must move on!!

    1. I just finished binge watching this show and I was hoping so hard that Seyit and Sura would end up together and couldn’t believe they didn’t, I was so upset/hurt/depressed and it was hard to shake it of. When I found out that is was a real story written by Seyit’s grand daughter it all makes sense. They can’t change the ending of a real story. I heard though that there is a second book, does anyone know about this?
      Also if you fell in love with Seyit you should watch the Turkish show Cesur ve Güzel, its a great show!

  72. I’ve had to stop watching at episode 27. just too painful. i hate Petro. his jealousy of Seyit started right at the beginning and the whole story has developed into a devastating tale of mis understandings and lies, all calculated by Petro. i can’t understand how no-one sees him as the snake he is!! he basically killed all the eminof family by purposely keeping the ammunition away from Seyit when the Bolsheviks arrived at the house, which meant they weren’t able to kill them all, or protect the family when the bolsheviks entered the house. Does anyone bring Petro to justice ultimately? please don’t tell me he gets away with all his crimes!!
    I’ve actually had sleepless nights after watching it! So many life lessons to learn in the story. If only Sura had been able to hold on to all that Seyit had said to her and believe she was the only love of his life. she was SO innocent and naive that she believed the lies from her Aunt and Petro, instead of seeing them for what they were.
    Brilliant acting though. I LOVE Celil though. he kept me sane.

  73. Hello guys from Australia here. I know we are all disappointed not having a happy ending but I think Kurt Seyit ve Sura should have ended when she jumped off the train to be with Seyit or when there was a fire at the hotel and she came running towards him and told him she’s not going to leave or when she went back to the laundry and forgave him after reading the letter he wrote while he was in prison. We can conclude that they lived happily ever after.
    The series ran for too long so the real story lost it’s plot. The title did not suit the story (or vice versa) anymore as it went on. We all thought it’s all about Seyit and Sura having such title. It was all good when they were in Russia, so much in love. The second part (in Istanbul) should have the title, “Love, Friendship and Betrayal” or whatever. It became just like “days of our lives.” There were two many characters involved so it’s not about their love story anymore it became the story of the life of the other characters too. For me, it would have been easier to digest if the title was different or the story suited the title.
    Yes, it’s very unfair that Murvet stole the scene in the end after all Sura has been through. The writer messed up the story. Why ooh why? It would have been a great love story if the writer ended up them being together. We could have learnt a lesson that in spite of all the challenges that they encountered true love prevailed.
    I don’t really know if Seyit knew what true love means or else he would not have married another woman. What happened to all the promises he made to Sura. Typical womaniser… just saying to Sura all nice comforting words a woman wanted to hear. He didn’t not try hard to fight for their love. He just gave up and took the easy way out. His love was not strong enough to “conquer all.” Sura defied her family and risked her life to be with him. She followed him all the way without any compromises. He did not do the same thing for her. Seyit might have defied his father’s wish when he was alive but he wasn’t risking his life for her. Suya’s family meant well when they tried to prevent them being together. They did not want her to risk her life. Seyit’s father did not mean well, he only wanted Seyit to please him. His father did not care about his son’s happiness which was really very selfish.
    I think Seyit was weak for going the wrong direction…marrying another woman. Everything was his own choice. He cannot blame other people for ruining his lovelife because of his own weakness. His love was not deep enough to swallow his pride and make up with Sura (even if he had to go down on his knees to win her back) although he himself had his own shortcomings. No one (even his own father) held a gun to his head or twisted his arm to marry her. HIs father was already dead. Was he afraid that he was going to haunt him? What a poor excuse. He did not tell the truth when he was asked if he was single (when someone was trying to match him with a Turkish woman – Murvet). He did not tell the guy that he was already spoken for (enganged to be married). He did not show any remorse when Sura arrived at their wedding. He was so cold and unrepentant. He erased all their happy memories (history) just like that. He could see that Sura was really hurting. How can you hurt someone you love?
    Almost every one had a happy ending, well, we can just think that Sura had a happy life with a French guy or someone better than Seyit. She should have gotten over a bad experience because she deserved better.
    I love the show during their happy times. They fought but kissed and made up. I really love the scene when they had their first fight. Sura did not badmouth Seyit to Petro when he was trying to console her. She defended Seyit and got mad at Petro because she realised Petro was trying to poison her mind. So accurate what she said…very good performance. I also had a good laugh when she was peeling the potatoes. I thought it was so funny watching her lol. She was so sweet trying to be helpful.

    1. Apparently it is based on a
      true story. Guess they didn’t end up together in real life.

      But Seyit said it near the end. He felt that if he kept Sura in his life, he would have killed her (figuratively and literally).He felt that his life was hanging by a fine line and that they were always bombs waiting to explode and he just
      wanted Sura away from the trouble, from the pain and the feeling of constant loss. Near the end, he saw that Sura had changed. She had lost her loving bubbly self. She was sad. He wanted to save her from those ” bombs “. He could have been selfish and kept her near him but he saw that she was meant to LIVE, to go on and be happy without always being trouble around her because of him.

      It was long after she left that Istanbul was “peaceful”.

      I loved the ending, but would have loved to see what happened to our heroine. Did she really marry her French Bo. Was she happy and smiling?

      And was Seyit’s last breath, last word Sura in the end ?

      Ahhh..Well At least Celil and Guizedé ended up together. I LOVE CELIL!!!

      1. Sura married the French guy, was pregnant and lost the baby, she was sick after that she devorced him and she went to the US. She wrote to Seyit while she was away. I’m sure they wrote to each other. I have to read the book with Murvet. I hope he ad a lousy life.

    2. I throughly agree…in my mind the series ended earlier…. as I cant find anything close to real life…that real love, all the years n experiences, they woulda been together at the end. Mayb the writer is Turkish so wanted Turkish gal to win, lol

      1. Hiya, they said she’s Turkish. Well, better luck next time. Maybe next time she’ll write “The Resurrection or Reincarnation of Seyit and Sura” being together in the end to make us happy…lol Have a lovely day!

          1. Hi, it’s nice to put a smile on your face :). I know what you mean…I haven’t moved on yet . Actually, I became a convert and a couch potato lol. First time I became ashamed of myself. I used to love watching different kinds of shows like …spooky, detective, espionage etc., but not anymore… I just want to watch period drama (love story). I enjoyed watching Lovebird with Murvet (Fahriye) in it. Kosem is not on our Netflix. Have a lovely day!

      2. Whatever then the show should have not been called Seyit and Sura to begin with . I’m sorry but that’s sort of stupid… it’s not about Turkish or Russian winning . It’s about LOVE . The show begins by letting us know love will win. The show ends up contradicting its very core .

    3. Agreed! Sura was the star. It didn’t matter that you young innocent life was taken and then dumped. I am furious. I fell in love with my husband , first sight…but I was only 15 and he was 20 and home from Vietnam. Wasn’t allowed to date…eventually I came home and back to school in Miami and he went to Ohio…married another…I always loved him and him me., We did run into each other in our hometown a couple times over the years from 68-94. In 94 he had enough, retired early…headed to Florida. I was on my 2nd divorce by then and he came into town. Our love story continues today 22 yrs together. I am 64 and he is 69. It has not been easy with strong headed people but we have fun. I thought this is how this would end. Very very upset. Do they read these things./???

      1. Good day! (Greetings from Down Under). So that is your love story with a happy ending :). It must be your destiny to be together in the end. Good for you… I am saying this from the bottom of my heart… I hope you both have a long joyful and healthy life together.
        I could really feel Sura’s pain (being heatbroken) and also for those people who are in similar situation. Although I never experienced it, I can only empathize. Love is a wonderful thing. It is nice to love someone and be loved by someone.
        I was a mail order bride. I am a Filipina married to an Australian. We met in May after 6 months of corresponding to each other, then got married in November the same year. It wasn’t love at first sight for both of us but we decided to have it a go. He was 27 and I was 25 (first time for both of us). We were at the right age to settle down and in the right frame of mind. He showed me kindness and I am very grateful and the rest was history….that was 34 years ago. Together, we created two wonderful boys (29 and 31 yrs. old) any parents can be proud of.
        I guess our love story shows “love speaks no barrier”. .. Have a lovely day!

  74. I loved Farah (Sura) she was amazing. I loved Kivanc but Farah my star on this series.
    For me the story is unfinished. I’m not satisfied. I hated that he let her go The writer of the script should have paid more attention, too many questions. it’sTV, If I wanted to know the real story I would buy the book. I fast forward when Murvet and her mother appeared. I did watch when Seyit was getting married to Murvet, (Forgive me, but I did not like her, she witnessed their love but she still married and then asked if he will ever love her as he did Sura, ) I cried for Sura!!! I felt her pain. Poor Sura. They loved each other to death, so what happened? I think that he was scared of the love he had for her it was controlling him. He had to let her go. He was still in danger, if anything happened to her he would die. He died a slow death anyway in the book he killed himself, Living with a women he did not love, respected her as a wife and mother but did not love. What a waste of something so pure and exciting.Status, tradition and religion destroys true love. I’ve experienced it. I had to leave the country. I hated Seyits father? I keep watching my favorite episodes 1-16 for a happy something. NOT. After the 15th episodes nothing went right for them, I was always on edge. I wish the writer would have prolonged some of the happier scenes. I was so disappointed and tired of Tina, Petro, the aunt, the Contessa, the Captain, Murvet, enemies and manipulators. I’m surprised Sura didn’t go crazy. Kivanc and Farah had passion, chemistry, they made me smile, dream, cry. I would love to see them work together again. In a movie with a happy ending. There’s a song that Kivanc and Farah (I think its them)with the scenes of KURT SEYIT and SURA,”I will never forget you” in Turkish Wowwwwww. I know they also sing and have amazing voices I would love to see them sing together. Before this serie, I didn’t know who Farah and Kivanc were. Now I’m searching for other movies, series that they may be in. nothing beats Kurt Seit and Sura.“I proclaim my love for you till my last breath” Zeit to Sura They both went to their grave with broken hearts They are now united as one for eternity.This will have to be my happy ending for them.

  75. I loved Farah (Sura) she was amazing. I loved Kivanc but Farah is my star in this series.
    For me the story is unfinished. I’m not satisfied. I hated that he let her go The writer of the script should have paid more attention, too many questions. it’sTV, it’s what the audience would love to watch and anyone who wanted to know what the real story was about,make a dedication at the end of the episodes and/or buy the book on Amazon. Or whatever. I read on the internet after Russia and Crimea episodes, the ratings went down and kept going down because of Farah not keeping up with the performance of Tatlitug, so they brought in a famous Turkish actress to bring up the ratings for Murvet plus her mother. Bigggggg mistake. I fast forward when Murvet appeared. I did watch when Seyit was getting married to Murvet, I cried for Sura!!! I felt her pain. Poor Sura. They loved each other to death, so what happened? I think that he was scared of the love he had for her it was controlling him. He had to let her go. He was still in danger, if anything happened to her he would die. She reminded him of the past. What a waste of something so pure and exciding. I wonder if this really happened (have to get the book) Status, tradition and religion destroys true love. I’ve experienced it. The love of my life married one the father approved of because she came from wealth and I was a poor farmers daughter. I had to leave the country. I hated Seyits father I keep watching episode 1-13 hoping for a happy ending. NOT..They were my favorite episodes. After the 15th episodes nothing went right for them, I was so disappointed and tired of Tina, Petro, the aunt, the Contessa, the Captain. Tina practically pushed her sister on that boat. I’m surprised Sura didn’t go crazy. They both went to their grave with broken hearts, may they both rest in peace. They are now united as one, for eternity .
    Kivanc and Farah had passion, chemistry, they made me cry. I would love to seem them work together again. In a movie with a happy ending.
    Kivanc is guest star in Vikings series on the History Channel and Farah is staring in Kosem, Turkish soap. She is amazing hoping it comes to NETFLIX . Celil of Kurt Seyit & Sura is also in Kosem.There’s a song that Kivanc and Farah sing togetrher with the scenes of KURT SEYIT and SURA, Youtube “I will never forget you” in Turkish Wowwwwww. I would love to see Farah and Kivonc sing together.

  76. I loved Farah (Sura) she was amazing. I loved Kivanc but Farah is my star of this series.
    For me the story is unfinished. I’m not satisfied. I hated that he let her go The writer of the script should have paid more attention, too many questions. it’sTV, it’s what the audience would love to watch and anyone who wanted to know what the real story was about,make a dedication at the end of the episodes and/or buy the book on Amazon. Or whatever. I read on the internet after Russia and Crimea episodes, the ratings went down and kept going down because of Farah not keeping up with the performance of Tatlitug, so they brought in a famous Turkish actress to bring up the ratings for Murvet plus her mother. Bigggggg mistake. I fast forward when Murvet appeared. I did watch when Seyit was getting married to Murvet, I cried for Sura!!! I felt her pain. Poor Sura. They loved each other to death, so what happened? I think that he was scared of the love he had for her it was controlling him. He had to let her go. He was still in danger, if anything happened to her he would die. She reminded him of the past. What a waste of something so pure and exciding. I wonder if this really happened (have to get the book) Status, tradition and religion destroys true love. I’ve experienced it. The love of my life married one the father approved of because she came from wealth and I was a poor farmers daughter. I had to leave the country. I hated Seyits father, His counsel was more important than the happiness of his blood Seyit and the safety of his family He refused to accept their life was changing? I keep watching episode 1-13 hoping for a happy ending. NOT..They were my favorite episodes. After the 15th episodes nothing went right for them, I was so disappointed and tired of Tina, Petro, the aunt, the Contessa, the Captain. Tina practically pushed her sister on that boat. I’m surprised Sura didn’t go crazy. They both went to their grave with broken hearts, may they both rest in peace. They are now united as one, for eternity .
    Kivanc and Farah had passion, chemistry, they made me cry. I would love to seem them work together again. In a movie with a happy ending.
    Kivanc is guest star in Vikings series on the History Channel and Farah is staring in Kosem, Turkish soap. She is amazing hoping it comes to NETFLIX . Celil of Kurt Seyit & Sura is also in Kosem.There’s a song that Kivanc and Farah sing togetrher with the scenes of KURT SEYIT and SURA, Youtube “I will never forget you” in Turkish(also translation Wowwwwww. I would love to see Farah and Kivonc sing together.

  77. Stacey, your review was spot on! I absolutely hated the ending. So many unanswered questions. Although, Seyit stood up to his father about his relationship to Sura, he never bothered to tell her about what transpired. Maybe he didn’t want her to blame herself for the rift between the two. I felt the relationship at this point placed a heaviness on him, because he could not have both his family and the love of his life. How does one choose? He and Sura both were so stubborn. He was constantly walking out, when angered, instead of staying to fight it through. Which is why so much was left unsaid. I was glad and both petrified when Sura told him that if he walked out the door it was over. Which he told her, you’ve seen how I respond to threats. This I believe was the real turning point. I think Sura grew some backbone and I was glad for it! Seyit loved her, but he was a little self-absorbed and let his anger blind him. I could have personally strangled Tina, Petro and the Aunt. Tina, I couldn’t quite figure out. She loved her sister, but yet conspired with Petro. She never liked Seyit from day one. What broke my heart most, was the scene where Sura is on the landing in tears, while Seyit is getting married. He had already said I do, but the priest said it was not final until the prayers were said. He could have stopped it, but I guess it was his precious honor. It just made me pity Murvet. Why would you want to marry a man who clearly was still in love with another woman? The fact that he left the room and followed Sura outside would have been enough for me! The fact that Seyit was visibly mad that Petro & Sura were holding hands was laughable. Like, really? Maybe he went through it because of the mother. Whatever the case, it was not right! I would have rather he never married, if he wasn’t going to marry Sura. The ending could have been so much better. The final scene with Petro did not reveal if Seyit really knew the extent in to which Petro had connived and schemed to derail his relationship with Sura, as well as his life. The series was excellent, but I think the writers could have done better tying up the loose ends. I give it 5 stars!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read my novel of complaints. I’m still so upset by the ending, it just doesn’t feel true to the characters at all…apparently its based on a true story and they really didn’t end up together, but I would have much rather the show deviate from that ending.

  78. I can’t deal with the end!! Such an unfair final! Besides all of what all the ladies have said about it, I also think that the guy who wrotte the story really really doesn’t like Russian girls. Can somebody explain to me why any russian girl has a happy end? Honestly, looking this for a bigger perspective all of them find unhappiness. One died, Sura’s sister lost her husband and never finds somebody who loves her back, and finally my loved Sura, who gave everything for Seyit and he didn’t gave her the opportunity of being his wife. In this tv show the love didn’t win. I really would love to see a tv show about Sura.

    1. The guy that directed the show is to blame . He shows the true colors of Turkish men . F the beautiful Sura we now have beautiful innocent looking Turkish girl. What a loser

  79. I just finished the series after watching every day for two weeks straight!!! I am angry and sad that the ending of the show was so incredibly awful!!!! I found Sura to be a lovely, sweet, kind, loving, and yes naive. I loved Seyit, up to the point they were in Russia and Crimea, after he came to Turkey, Sura was no longer a priority to him, and unlike what Senty wrote, I thought Sura also changed, she learned how to work, help the women in the kitchen, and even after she got shot, she still remained in Turkey and help with the laundry business. Seyit in the other hand, grew an ugly mustache, got an ugly haircut and completely changed his persona. He was never thankful for any sacrifices that she made for him, he never loved her nearly half as much as she loved him. She loved him purely and unconditionally, while he only loved her when he had time for her.
    I’m also pissed off that they show him to have his happy little family back, when Sura went to the unknown. I call total BS on the ending of this show, and Seyit was not as honorable as he thought he was. Per what I’ve read about the real Kurt Seyit and Sura, they supposedly wrote to each other very often, and Kurt Seyit committed suicide later in life. After his death, Sura came back to Turkey and visited his grave. Sura married and had one daughter and she too died in US.

    1. yes I agree total BS . But …. it’s a man’s world and Sura and all the women lived in it . Totally tasteless and unforgivable


    1. Horrible ending. Can not agree more . Sura deserved a happy ending of her own and she was portrayed in the end as pinning for Seyit while he had his happy ending . SUCH BS

  81. Great series ! Very well written. Sad ending (depends on how
    one looks at it).

    Why did they not end up together ? Whose fault was it ? How
    could Seyit marry Murvet when he loved Sura? What happened to Sura after she left on the ship ? So many questions !

    The point to keep in mind is that as the story progressed,
    Seyit’s priorities were changing frequently. Sura’s was not. Throughout the show Sura remained a pampered innocent arrogant rich girl hopelessly in love with Seyit and she believed that all he thinks about is her. (She got on my nerves at times ! Shut-up and stay put already !!)

    Seyit on the other hand was a soldier, going through a war, fighting
    known and unknown enemies, feeling responsible for everyone who sought his protection, his loyalty to the Turkish people… He was morally bound to help his community. Although Sura was his love, she not his first priority. He expected her to stand by him unconditionally. She didn’t.

    Sura always had someone who cared for her (or screwed her head.. whichever way you look at it !) Whether it was Tina, or Seyit (when she was with him), or Petro, they doted on her, catching her whenever she fell. But Seyit was the lone wolf. Except for Celil he had no one to share his troubles with. He lost his entire family in one stroke and somewhere deep down he carried the guilt that it was his relationship with Sura that caused it.

    It is understandable that as the war torn community was
    trying to pull itself together, it would not have made sense for Seyit to marry Sura. It was not safe for Russian / Christian Sura to stay in the uncertain climate of Istanbul. And he couldn’t abandon his people who were fighting the British domination.

    Marrying Murvet was not his desire. It was strategic.

    I think the last few episodes were rushed because of falling viewership of the show. As in many other TV shows, ending was rushed to finish the story off.

    I was most disappointed to not know what happens to Sura
    after she leaves on the ship.

    The lingering feeling that made me very sad for many days
    after watching this show was not that the Seyit-Sura romance failed. But that, while Seyit had a happy ending with his Turkish people, his wife, family, job, reunited with his long lost brother … Sura left town to go to a strange land, to go to someone who caused her so much harm. She left with someone she barely knew. No Tina, no friends, no family, not even Petro. And the show didn’t say anything about what happened to her after that.

    Well, overall a beautiful story. I loved the main characters. Good looks and great acting too.

    For “Seyit” fans, you can catch his handsome younger version
    in “Ask i memnu” on youtube. Unfortunately not all episodes are subtitled in English (Hope Netflix gets it !). It’s an ok soap but great acting by all.

    1. Did you also get paid to write this ? Or are you just very ignorant? Sura came from a background of wealth and status . However she humbled herself. She was sweet and caring to all and lived out her love to the very end . Sorry she didn’t grow up carrying trays but she got a job and refused to believe all the lies about the baroness no matter what she was told and shown She believed in their love which is why she believed Seyit will be back . He was a coward . He gave up on her . So like Sura said his love was a lie . The show too was a big fat lie

  82. Spoiler Alert……i just finished all the episodes and found it so sad. It’s as if Seyit replaced Sura with a younger version. Someone who is innocent and he could manipulate and would not challenge him. Not happy…very sad.

    1. I agree…it is very sad! I just finished watching and can not get over that they did not end up together. After all that they went through..waiting for each other! It just broke my heart!!! The actors were amazing…big props to all those involved, I felt like I was part of their story, so sad its over!!

  83. ey, ey, ey!! I am on episode 30 somthing and I can feel it changing. Murvet just showed up, and with it the music changed… oh god I know whats coming… I can’t watch the end… WHY?!!! So unfair.

  84. Also, there were some stories that were left unanswered. What about the hotel, Petro schemed them out of their ownership and they don’t know this, he then takes the hotel and sells it to someone else, do they ever get that situation settled? Maybe I missed it. Also, does Seeyit know the full extent of Petro’s betrayal? The 8 months he spent in prison? Him almost dying for a murder he didn’t commit? His wedding being thwarted by Petro? I wish these aspects more clear.

  85. Really great show, but I did have some problems with it, especially the ending: I just don’t understand how the truth finally comes out and they don’t find their way back to each other. From Sura’s aunt down to her sister they kept making it seem as though Seyit was the one to blame for all her suffering when in reality it was Petro the whole time! How is it that no one, especially Tina after having learned the truth does not apologize to Seyit for aiding in driving a wedge in their relationship?Also, The fact that he is willing to settle for Murvet is just so upsetting, and largely unfair and untrue to the character of Kurt Seyit! They went through all these trials and tribulations just so that in the end he can do exactly what his father wanted him to?! I get it, not every story has the ending that the audience is wishing for, but this is just one of those stories where it didn’t make sense to end it the way they did. I would have much rather that Seyit died in an epic fight with Petro, and Sura lived on to tell the story, then it ending with Seyit being with Murvet. Seyit is a soldier, and that aspect of his charcter is highlighted throughout the entire series-he doesn’t give up on himself or anyone for that matter, and above all he is LOYAL but he is willing to give up on Sura, especially after all she has given up for him? Knowing all this, it just doesn’t add up. It was just a big mistake to end the show the way they did. Also Murvet was just not cutting it! I’ll admit she’s gorgeous, but in terms of the two love interests, she is no Sura! She’s weak and subserviant; how do you accept to marry someone who tells you that he is in love with another woman, and then have the audacity to get upset that he is clearly and will always be in love with Sura? Furthermore, how does she find it ok to build a life with someone who will never be able to love her with the same passion and capacity? I almost don’t like her because she chooses to marry someone when al the facts are staring her right in the face. Sura was braver and willing to take chances, and she never hesitated to tell Seyit what she felt, i admired the strength in her, and I just don’t see how Seyit can love two women that are complete opposites of each other. The ending felt rushed, and not well thought out, which to me was the most disappointing, but other than that it was a really great show!

    1. ITA with you about Sura and Tina owing Seyit a HUGE apology! Yet we don’t even get to see them talk about finding out the truth about Petro!! ? ? The man they’ve both spent so much time defending and living with! Seyit never did anything to hurt Sura and she should’ve known better than to refuse to move in with him when he asked her to. She basically told him that she was more comfortable with Petro because he was there for her more than Seyit was! WTF?! Fatal mistake. She began to act like she was screwing Petro on the side even though she wasn’t. And yes, the ending was very poorly rendered and just a kick in the gut to the audience.

    2. You are right that Tina ought to have apologized to Seyit. She treated every suitor better than Seyit. Sometimes I wish Tina had never been found by Sura because she interfered so much in their relationship. I also wish Sura had gone to Seyit earlier but she never expected he would marry someone else.She had so much trust that they would be together again…

    3. I don’t believed he loved Murvet, but was doing whatever he needed to try and get over Sura. Whatever his reasoning, it was foolish to marry someone you did not know or love, but arranged marriages were a part of their culture. Very disappointing

      1. He was after all a COWARD. If love conquers all and love is everything then love should have prevailed . Which is what all the viewers were manipulating in believing would happen . Whoever directed this has no business filming a show about love .

  86. Loved it. Romantic young love vs practical love and tradition. Hoping for season 2 and what becomes of Sura–and look at Kivanc Tatlitug and his lovely wife.

    1. MD NFS- i agree. It’s Romantic Love vs Practical Love. The innocence and lack of experience compared to the responsibility and obligations of adult hold. I would have loved for Seyit and Sura to have reached the latter kind of love, but their stubborness and strong personalities just pushes them away from each other instead of towards.

      1. It seemed that most of the couples’ problems were orchestrated by others’ interference. Maybe mature love would be a better description. Nevertheless, Sevit did fulfill his father’s wishes. Murka is beautiful.

      1. thanks you so much Rebecca.

        do you by any chance know if Kurt Seyit ve Sura:
        1. are real stories or loosely based on truth?
        2. if there will be another tv season beyond the 46 episodes?
        3. where one can get English translations of the books, they all seem to be in Turkish?

        oops, just saw your below comment, so you’re also looking for english book versions ; )

        thank you

        1. So it is a true story apparently. The real Seyit ended up feeling lost without Sura and spent a lot of time drowning his sorrows in drink( read this from an instagram post) and took his life. Sura did revisit Istanbul many years later to see Tina but Seyit was dead by then.
          I searched too for Season 2 as Netflix had it labeled as Season 1 but didn’t find any.
          As for wanting to read the book in English ,only thing left for me to do is to buy the book in Turkish and upload pages into google translate. I also went to my local library and they had the book in Croatian which is also unknown to me. But the library has a program that lets u translate Turkish into English so that’s another option left for me.

  87. The tenderness Seyit had for Sura in the first two episodes should have continued but instead he disappointed her with marrying another woman. They struggled through so many experiences but in the end he wronged her by marrying Murvet. That was something she never thought he would do. They both should never have allowed others to tell them negative things about each other. Petro was always around like a snake dropping venomous words very subtly. Seyit should have asked Sura if she was seeing someone directly instead of allowing himself to be persuaded that Sura was in love with someone else . It has been 3 days since I saw this but so disappointed and saddened by them not ending up together. Where could I find an English version of the book written by Nermin Bezmen?

  88. The worst ending of a show ever! 46 episodes to find out they end up not together? How cruel!!!! Are you kidding me?????? I feel wounded. I loved the show, loved Kivanc, and learned so much, but the pain…

    1. Sharon, I know how you feel! I actually watched all 46 episodes in 10 days. I am telling everyone to watch the series, so we all can compare notes.

    2. I share your sentiments! I watched it over two weeks ago and I’m still not over it. I actually started watching it again!

  89. Watching this on Netflix and LOVE IT. The acting is excellent, scenery outstanding and there are no words for the costumes. It’s a bit contrived at points but is well worth watching. Netflix is running more of these like Magnificent Century which enable viewers to see how other cultures live. Kudos Netflix!

  90. I watched all 46 episodes on Netflix. I finished last night. The actors were great. The series was filmed nicely. However, Seyit and Sura should have ended up together. I don’t like the theme of experienced womanizer can’t overcome the innocent Companion’s doubt when they do wrong, instead the womanizer settles down with someone ignorant of his past and ways. Seyit should’ve gotten over himself and kept his promises to Sura. Murka should not have continued with the marriage ceremony. She is not an innocent bystander. She is witnessing him say he loves Sura and walk from the marriage ceremony after her. Once, he got up to follow Sura; she should have gotten up and left. Instead, she directly profits from another woman’s misfortune and hat work with keeping Seyit’s laundry still open when he was imprisoned. Further, Seyit became unforgivable for marrying her in the Hotel where he lived with and was going to marry Sura. You’ll be mad with this, but Sura should’ve sent Murka and Seyit a wedding invitation, married Petro anyway at the hotel and had their wedding clothes cleaned at his laundry and had a procession through the street circling Pera and Seyit’s mother in law’s house, Sura should’ve went with Petro to London-later dispose of him if she wished, and mailed Seyit two letters-the Baroness-written Letter and her own Letter saying Petro still has always been there for me and I did it because it was my father’s dying wish to marry this Russian noble, like it was your father’s wish to marry a Turkish girl, who doesn’t know any better. See how he likes unforgivable betrayal when the shoe is on his foot.

    Yahya should’ve just divorced his wife. That was sad, but I know he saw the look on her face every time he touched her. Not cool to make him feel like a creep. He should’ve divorced her early in the marriage. He’d still be alive. Celil acted as decent as he could; I’m glad that at least he found happiness. Anybody else upset with the fact that Guzide left the same day that Tatya died. Fate is cruel. Not that she should or would’ve had a chance to make a moves in a grieving man, but she would’ve had an opportunity to decide not to marry Yahya to begin with.

    Alya was a good character, and she was loyal. However, she and Celil should’ve made sure that Sura understood that Seyit was about to get married. Seyit is weak because his final turn came when he saw his flowers in the dump at a place where your rival who you know is after your sweetheart, also, lives. What I don’t understand is why he didn’t just bring them himself, maybe he wanted to soften her mood before talking to her, but Petro lives there and Tina wand you gone, too; not Seyit’s brightest move.

    Tina should’ve married the poor boy or spoke up about the Frenchman Serg Doreo, at minimum. Hanging on to a ghost didn’t last the way intended for Celil; It’s just sad Tina didn’t find someone in the story’s ending episodes.

    Ali’s daughter is awful, but she must have had a very traumatic time when her husband died; at least she was happy with her husband in most ways she could be. She is a troublemaker, she deserved something more than a slap for what she contributed to Sura’s unhappiness, though.

    Petro, the Turkish Father, Tina, Ayse, the Russian Aunt, the Baroness, and Seyit and Sura themselves were all to blame for this sad story. It that was in the order of the most blame for them not walking down the aisle, though, it can be argued that Seyit, himself holds the most blame for not being more understanding of the need to build trust, not having patience for how long that takes, not trusting Sura, not communicating when he sees or thinks something is wrong-Sura with her cousin scene, believing what others tell him about what’s going on with Sura instead of asking her himself, allowing others to decide what happens with his relationship with Sura-his hospital promise to Tina, not making Sura his priority over all things, not telling Sura about the second plans to marry her was a mistake-like he was hoping for something to happen.

    Seyit does not love Sura. She is a white Russian that was innocent and alluring. He was enamored by the idea of having a life with her. Maybe the last allure of assimilation that he had not reached. Setting was able to secure Sura’s love with his I’m going away to war story and flowery metaphors and letters, but when it came down to it; Seyit used Sura and discarded her like all the other Russian women he played with. He didn’t spoil any Turkish women. He didn’t dare. His heart was always Turk and he re-assimilates into Turkish society with Murka, who can help teach him how to be a Turk through their traditions; it’s just too sad that Sura didn’t realize that sooner or walk out on Seyit when her would be father-in-law showed her how he really felt.

    1. Oh, so true! AND, to add to this very observant piece, I would say the greatest seed of wrong was planted by Seyit’s father, the patriarch of the family. The unraveling of this broken love story begins because of the poor lessons the father modeled for his sons: the sins of pride, unforgiveness, uncontrolled anger (the unbelievably childish tantrum he has in his grown son’s room when he destroys the beloved music box from the Tsar along with everything else in his son’s room), stubbornness, lust (encouraging his sons to “have their way” with women of other races, but not those of their own tribe – a godly father would teach honoring all women). The unwise father allowed his roots to rule his character, rather than unconditionally loving all the beautiful sons God had given him. You know that the real Seyit committee suicide, right? The poor man could not have been too happy with his life’s decisions.

      1. Does anyone know if they’ll make a season 3? It seems cruel to give Seyit a happy ending but not Sura. 🙁 Bummed it ended the way it did but I know in real life Sura ended up in Los Angeles sometime after she was in Paris. I think it would be a beautiful story considering that WW2 was about to happen and the love and heart ache that comes with.

    2. Very well written. So true that in the end he used and discarded Sura though she gave up everything for him. He changed when he came to live in the hotel . Why did it take someone else to convince him to marry Sura? I so wish I could read the book to see what really happened.

    3. I agree with you 100%. Seyit never truly loved Sura the way she loved him. I couldn’t stand Murvet, or her mother. I lost all respect for Seyit when he wanted to modernize Murvet with sexy French undies too, sort of like he wanted to make her a Sura.
      Murvet acted so innocent and naive, yet knew very well he loved Sura!
      Whatever! The ending sucked, but at least the first season was great and romantic!

  91. ***Major Spoiler Alert*** I am outraged. I wish I could get all the hours of my life back after that ending. I don’t care if the real couple didn’t stay together in the end. There was SO much contrivance in this script to enable Petro to hide in plain sight and maintain his place in Seyit and Sura’s lives! Anyone who caught him (like Otman) ended up dead before they could expose him, or they VOLUNTARILY kept quiet and didn’t say anything! The ultimate call of bullsh*t in this script is at the end when SURA herself makes the choice not to tell Seyit, she rips up the letter that would expose Petro!!? Seriously?! Eff this razor-blade of a “love story.” Only masochists want a story like this that doesn’t end with a HEA. Petro wins in the end ultimately because he succeeded in destroying their relationship FOREVER. Blech.

    1. Honestly, that was another problem I had with the show, they just made way too easy for him, and in the end he succeeds. Sura leaves and doesn’t give him the letter because she knows Seyit will lose his shit and kill Petro, which may very well end up in his death as well, but COME ON! How do you find out that the source of all your problems was really just on jealous jackass who really wasn’t in love with you and just jealous of Seyit, is the source of all your pain, and you don’t want to kill him, or at least have Seyit do it? How do you not get back together after that? I could have even forgiven how easy they made it for Petro if it had just ended the right way. And why is it that we don’t get to see what happens to Sura after she leaves Turkey? I wish they continued her storyline.

      1. Totally agree again about revenge. Granted, they apparently did report him to the police that morning, but Sura owed it to Seyit to say SOMETHING about it since she destroyed their relationship to stay living in Petro’s house and defend him every time Seyit took him on for moving in on his woman!

        And I really didn’t care what happened to Sura after she leaves, LOL! She pissed me off too much because her childish games are what drove Seyit away. The man told her plainly he wanted her with him and she looked him the eye and said no, she wasn’t leaving Petro’s. Like that would help her get closer to Seyit…Pfft. She was such an idiot. Then she comes running on his wedding day! Too late you idiot, LOL.

        1. I agree. Sure was immature and childish. She wanted their love to be a fairy tale, but Seyit was a soldier with a cause to support. She complained when he left to help his people (every time). She knew he was a soldier to begin with and that was part of who he was, but she wanted him to stay by her side and not do anything but cater to her. These were really rough times, and he saved her, always told her how he felt, and made it clear he wanted her. However, he should have gone through with marrying her once he got back and not allowed himself to be manipulated. I also agree that Petro should have been found out sooner – it was just too coincidental that everything went wrong when he was around.

  92. From Canada, watched on NETFLIX, I’m not Turkish, read the subtitles and watched each episode 2 times so I could see the faces, I found Kivanc and Farah to be the most passionate actors, I could not stop watching them and the story. They were fantastic together, I thought they were a couple. They make a fantastic couple. Checked on the internet that Kivanc was married.So sad. When Zeit strayed to the other women, I lost interest and watched the last 2 episodes, I really wanted Zeit and Suras love to last their life time.All that she went through. I cried for her. Hoping they will do a follow up story, what happened after Paris. Is there an English version of their story? The music was very moving. Mr. Talitug, you have reached your ultimate acting career congrats, wishing you and Ms. Abdullah future acting together, hoping in English.

  93. ps…in New Zealand this series can be seen on Netflix.com with english subtitles….again a legendary series…

  94. I saw this series as a Maori New Zealander, as a fan of period dramas, english mostly, I am now intrigued with Turkish period romance dramas now thanks to the Kurt ,Sura & Murvet series…WOW…as a lover of Jane Austen (especially Pride & Prejudice) the story of Kurt -and his two loves as told in the series but mostly portrayed by all the wonderful actors and actresses of this movie….it has now come to the top of my list as a must see for any period drama fan/lover/buff.of any culture…it helped i must add watching the whole story from episode 6 right through to 46 in one go (36 -38 hrs approx? the addictiveness of the series)…the grip factor for me was learning about the culture of those parts of our world…as a learned social-political scientist this series throws it at you all at once with the love stories of Kurt Seyit Eminof being an added twist, this series reflects well the realities of war, adventure, the testing of relationships whether romantic, friendship, kinship, the testing of bonds, but also statelessness amongst the disenfranchised, the power of unity amongst a few comes out well in this series. too..there are a wide range of achievements in this movie that span the techinical, historical, personal, political, social, economical, cultural, in that regard a great literary and cinematic achievement….thank you to all the actors and actresses who pulled this movie and book transalation off….you all deserve awards…..Ngamihinui o te Atua kia koutou katoa….(the blessings of god be with you in my language)….

  95. Witam 🙂 I gratuluje przepięknego serialu.Wszyscy , którzy go oglądaja płaczą jak małe dzieci.Gra aktorów lepsza niż w amerykańskich filmach.Piszę do Was,bo prawdopodobnie scenariusz oparty jest na podstawie książki i prawdziwych wydarzeń,czy w Polsce jest taka książka,jeśli tak to jaki jest jej tytuł i nazwisko autora.Prosze o odpowiedź.Życzę autorom scenariusa,producentom ,reżyserowi no i oczywiście wszystkim aktorom powodzenia w życiu osobistym i zawodowym.Z poważaniem Grażyna Papaj 🙂

  96. I saw the mini series on Mundo fox I absolutely loved it! However, I was very dissapointed at the ending. I went on to investigate why Seyit and Sura didn’t stay together and I found out this was based on a true story. Seyit and Sura are people that really existed and the story is based on the book told by Tina suras sister. My confusion lies on the fact that there are two book one by the name sura and seyit and the second being seyit and murca which is the girl he ends up with. So I wonder if that’s both seasons they fine or if that was left out and if that book contains information o what happened to
    Sura even though it shows online she has a daughter.

  97. Beautiful but with a very disappointing end. Petro Borinsky.
    won at the end because he succeeded on separating Seyit from Sura. Seyit character changed for the worse, settled for the mediocre, and never again fought for the love of his life, Sura. I guess they were out of budget at the end.

  98. I’m so dissapointed!!!! Saw all the series in spanish and couldn’t believe the ending…at least they could have told where Sura was….grrrrrrr!

  99. *****spoiler alert*****
    Big disappointment! What happened to Sura? Seyit looks worse and worse thru the last 8 episodes. Looked so much better with the beard.
    I feel cheated. What happened to the fairy tale love story they advertised? I watched the Spanish dubbed version on Mundofox. They showed each episode as 60 minutes minus time for advertising. The original running time for each episode was 90 minutes!
    Great finale for Petro but Seyit ends up with a boring life with a boring wife.
    The budget seems to have dropped very low in series 2. Half as many episodes too. I think it flopped so they tried to save it by changing everything.
    Sura would have been much better as part of the Underground with Seyit. She had too little to do and was pushed out of the story.

  100. *****spoiler alert*****
    SOoo disappointed! The end was horrible! Sura was not in the last episode at all! As a writer, I am sad that the title of the soap, has Suras’s name. As a reader her story of what happened to her, was unresolved. As a reader I was not given the chance to say goodbye to her or know her story after Seyit! Is the ending promotin/ prophesizing and reassuring one must marry within culture, religion,? What about Love crossing all boundaries, obstacles, and war?

  101. I watched Sura and Seyit translated into my native Spanish, and I was very into the story, but the finale was awful. Seyit was a womanizer who never fought for Sura despite her still keeping hope, and she always remained faithful to him. i would have liked to know what happened to Sura? Did she marry the Frenchman?

  102. I love this show but is so sad Sayit did not stay with Sura. This darn show maid me cry! So sad at the end. I’m watching in Mundo Fox. I’m waiting for the finally. I am so captivated with story plot.

  103. Horrible end Seyit is Mujeriego, infiel, ltraidor , why choose other women ordinary x him different like Sura, he never love Sura because too fast felling love x women turka Sura is beutifull I don’t like this history

  104. Terrible end, seyit is infiel with sura why take other women ordinary no x him I hate the history he is Traidor bad horrible

    1. Hi Bella

      I would like to see Kurt Sayit ve Sura in english but I could find only
      6 episodes subtitled.
      Can you please tell me if you watched it in english.
      Thank you very much.


  105. ****spoiler alert ****
    I’m watching this series in Spanish. I am so disappointed if it is true that Seyit does not end up with Sura. How can that be when it is promoted as a love story to me it’s a tradegy. I’m very disappointed and don’t know if I will continue to watch!!!!

    1. the same happen to me. I’m very disappointed with the end of the story. It was supposed to be a story where love triumphs.
      Seyit’s character changed in the second part. He doesn’t fight anymore for Sura’s love.

  106. Super production.., but first part only.. Sayit later settles for less, a bit disappointing and contrary to his original portrayed character – if this happen in real life, should have been left out of the drama/fantasy/ story. Loved the theme score- music. Can the full Turkish production be seen with English subtitles, where?

  107. —–spoiler alert—–
    Wanted to say thanks to all actors especially Kivanch. He is very talented as well as handsome. Vary rare combination. I love most 1st and 2nd parts. they are special. The first meeting of heroes and their separation on the rail station are the most touching in whole movie for me. The end of the movie is disappointing. He loved Shura so… much, he couldn’t choose that other woman. She is pretty but too ordinary for him. He is the man with European mentality and style of life. This Turkish girl, forgive me, to say so – out of his league. Too ordinary, too plain. She is too obedient. Shura is his equal. If there was less politic and more love line developed could be more success.

  108. i like most of the turkish series. i love to know where is this film was shooting russia or only in turky.becouse the first part of the film lookslike russia i tried to findout but i coud not . mahvash

    1. Hi Mahvash, saw your comment and wanted to explain few things. First two parts of this movie were shoot in St.Petersburg, Russia. My native city. Take it from the citizen of this beautiful city. The theater Shura went called Empire Alexandrinskiy theater. and it is real Russia. Regarding Crim can not say. I haven’t been there for the long time.

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